RE: [xsl] SaxonProcessorVsParser

Subject: RE: [xsl] SaxonProcessorVsParser
From: "Passin, Tom" <tpassin@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 2004 15:46:40 -0400
> From: mankar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:mankar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
> I need to clear the diferrence between an xml parser and an xslt
> processor.I mean
> doesn't an xslt processor ought to have parsing capabilities as well
> order to first parse
> the input document and used xslt document into trees and then apply
> templates producing the final tree?

Well, *something* has to parse the xml document first.  But that parser
does not have to be built into the xslt processor as long as the parser
can pass the parsed results to the later processor.  So the xslt
processor *can* have a built-in, integrated parser but does this is not
mandatory.  Of course, for invocation from the command line, the two
need to be integrated or at least work together closely.

> In this case we are talking about the same software (parser and
> processor),
> meaning that
> a processor has to be a parser as well.Is this true?

No.  Saxon, for example, used to use the Aelfred parser, and not uses (I
think) Xerces, but can work with other parsers as long as they use the
right API.  Msxml, on the other hand, does have everything and its
brother integrated into the one package.


Tom P

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