Re: [xsl] misc. confusion on "footnote" handling

Subject: Re: [xsl] misc. confusion on "footnote" handling
From: Jeni Tennison <jeni@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 25 Aug 2004 09:56:35 +0100
Hi Bruce,

> I want a parameter -- called citation-class -- where one option is
> author-year (what I've been working on), and another is "footnote."
> When the parameter is set to footnote, all citations get treated as
> if they were a footnote (e.g. they become footnoted on output),
> unless they are already in a footnote, in which case they just get
> rendered.
> I'm thinking I need to be doing something like this:
> <xsl:template match="db:footnote|db:citation">
>    <xsl:choose>
>      <xsl:when test="$class='footnote'">
>        ...
>      </xsl:when>
>      <xsl:otherwise>
>        ...
>      </xsl:otherwise>
>    </xsl:choose>
> </xsl:template>
> But I'm not sure quite what to do next, or b) if there a better way
> to do this? Maybe somehow using modes?

I'm not sure from your description what you're trying to do (what
output you're trying to achieve). It's not clear whether you actually
want a parameter (declared with <xsl:param>, set on the call with
<xsl:with-param>) or you're using the term 'parameter' in a more
descriptive way. Perhaps you want two different templates for the two
different kinds of citation:

<!-- citations appearing in footnotes -->
<xsl:template match="db:footnote/db:citation">

<!-- other citations -->
<xsl:template match="db:citation">

These could both 'call' the same code where they needed the same
processing (whether by actually calling a template by name or by
applying templates to the <citation> element using a different mode).
For example:

<!-- citations appearing in footnotes -->
<xsl:template match="db:footnote/db:citation">
  <xsl:apply-templates select="." mode="citation" />

<!-- other citations -->
<xsl:template match="db:citation">
    <xsl:apply-templates select="." mode="citation" />

<xsl:template match="db:citation" mode="citation">



Jeni Tennison

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