[stella] Poll: Developer Wishlist

Subject: [stella] Poll: Developer Wishlist
From: Schwerin <schwerin@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 12 Feb 1999 01:58:47 -0500
Note to self: bringing up the issue of Java is not the best way to stay out
of religious wars.

Argggh x 3.

From: Tennessee Carmel-Veilleux <veilleux@xxxxxxxxx>
>My "in-house" apps are all 100% ANSI C, and I've never had any problems
>porting them on different platforms. There's a myth about java portability.
>Java is portable only if the standard is followed 100% on every platform,
>which is really not the case.

Maybe you and/or someone else would be willing to help me port ANSI C code
to different platforms?  There seems to be a consensus that C is good.
Now is everyone here focused on text-based tools (rather than GUI).  If
GUI, how would you deal with cross platform issues?

>industry down. Real coders should know assembly. Making a tool as fast as
>possible only makes me happier, even though nobody's gonna notice if I made a
>slow one, I'm still sure that *MY* programs will work on ye 'ol 16mhz 386.

I agree.  If you're a fast assembly coder more power to you.  I found C/C++
more productive than the assembly environment I had been in.  I could write
and debug faster, trust my code a little more, and even optimize with
assembly routines when needed.

>On my P233, the Netscape VM is far worst than a 6507 at 3.58/3mhz ;)

Try using sun's VM on text based java applications outside of netscape
(text based is one kind of application we're talking about, right?)

From: Lord Spambraticus of Borg <lord-of-hell@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>I've had more success doing cross-platform work with C

Ok, I *hear* you.

>I stop ya right here.  Some of us (hopefully more than 1 or 2) can whip up
>complex tools in assembler as quickly as BASIC or some yah-yah "high level
>language"...  There is *NO* reason why the littlest things we do shouldn't be
>done with care and attention to details and the user experience.  Look around

Well more power to you.  I hope to join that league some day.  Also, seeing
as this is a pretty technical audience there's no reason to produce an
inferior tool.  However, how many inferior tools are still being used
because a better one is yet to be written....

>who uses 68020 machines anymore?

I actually use a 68040 and I'm very glad to hear of this port...I'll look
for it.  Is there a 68K emulator?  I get the impression no from the
horsepower needed.  Guess I will run that on the PC.

Here's one model for developing more developer tools as a group:
1) Identify the primary platforms involved
2) Identify the biggest needs (application)
3) write new code, and convert existing code(*) to C (for example)
4) people can volunteer ports (and/or assembly tweaking) for platforms.

(*) if you want to incorporate existing tools into a new project

Andrew Schwerin

(Well informed in such matters, I am forced to call anyone who further
lectures me on Attention to Detail and the Decaying Programmer Ethic a
"Prattling Preening Predaceous Privy Pretentious Preppy Prissy Presumptive
Perfectionist Programmer with a Prickled Pear up his Proboscis".  You have
been warned).

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