Re: Aw: Re: [stella] Maze Craze and 650x

Subject: Re: Aw: Re: [stella] Maze Craze and 650x
From: "TwoHeaded Software" <adavie@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 21 Aug 2001 09:54:51 +1000
> >I think this might be possible if you're willing to tolerate some
> >flicker.  Display each brick of one color in one frame, each brick of the
> >second color in the second frame, and so on.  Three or four colors would
> >probably be the limit before it starts looking bad.
> Hm, I always do forget to consider flickering when considering the 2600's
> graphical capabilities.  But it really doesn't seem feasible here; an area
> as large as an Arkanoid wall is going to be hard on the eyes even at 30 Hz
> flicker, and positively headache-inducing beyond that.

Time for people to dig up my 4-colour playfield demo 'PUSH', from the
archives long ago.  It is quite feasible to have reasonable looking colour
playfields - and this is what first popped into my mind when reading the
above thread.  Although successfully demonstrating the concept, PUSH wasn't
well-enough received to further the concept.

The emulators show up flicker too-well.  TVs should reduce that perception
of flicker when interlacing colour ('chronocolor' - heh!), as the phosphour
has a much longer persistance time than a monitor.  My personal opinion is
that 30Hz flicker is OK.


Andrew Davie, TwoHeaded Software

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