Re: [stella] Death Derby optimizations

Subject: Re: [stella] Death Derby optimizations
From: Dennis Debro <ddebro@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 15 Jan 2004 15:36:14 -0500
Hi Glenn,

> Actually, I am very interested in optimizations.  I've been trying to do 
> quite a bit since the last build I sent to the list.

Hmmm...just looking at the surface you could move your initialization to a lookup table. This could save you a few bytes. This is if you're flexable in moving your variables around.

I also see some opportunities for some unconditional branches. You could change
	LDA	#31
	sta	AUD0_Last_Pitch,X
	jmp	.ramp_up_register


	LDA	#31
	sta	AUD0_Last_Pitch,X
	bne     .ramp_up_register

to save a byte.

You can also change...

	lda	#1
	sta	Overlay1;flag for negative
	JMP	.continue_Y_Accelerate
	lda	#0
	sta	Overlay1;flag for positive


	lda	#1
        BIT_W            ;.byte $2C
	lda	#0
	sta	Overlay1;flag for positive

which will save you 5 bytes.

Also you could remove the jsr's in your mainloop. This could save you 18 bytes and stack RAM. There's really no need to have these even though I know a lot of us use them. I guess you could have them if you don't need the space but if you're fighting for *every* ROM byte I'd get rid of them.

I hope this little bit helped. Taking these suggestions should help a little as there are a number of places this could help. Of course there are more tricks that can be done ;-)

Take care,

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