Re: SGML declarations for subdocuments

Subject: Re: SGML declarations for subdocuments
From: Matthias Clasen <clasen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1999 22:59:51 +0200
> >From the Debian standpoint, I would like very much to be able to
> associate a declaration with a DTD (DTDDECL).  Right now we avoid
> SGMLDECL and DTDDECL because they don't suit our purposes, leaving it
> to the user to set the DECL when SP's default isn't right for them.
> So consider this a "request for implementation of DTDDECL".


jade already allows you to get most of the DTDDECL functionality
by using an SGML declaration reference according to the WWW extensions.
You can start your document with

<!SGML name PUBLIC pubid>

and have a PUBLIC catalog entry mapping pubid to a sysid containing
the body of the declaration (ie everything between `<!SGML' and `>').

If the declaration doesn't have a public identifier and you don't want
to make one up, you can simply omit the whole external identifier and
just write

<!SGML name>

jade supports this with an undocumented extension to the SO catalog
format. You can use a catalog entry of the form

SGML name sysid

to associate a sysid with the name in the SGML declaration reference.
This is pretty close to DTDDECL functionality, I'd say. You just have
to remember to start all your docbook documents with <!SGML docbook>.

...of course, I discovered all this *after* implementing DTDDECL in

Matthias Clasen, 
Tel. 0761/203-5606
Email: clasen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Mathematisches Institut, Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg

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