Re: [jats-list] How to best deal with long books

Subject: Re: [jats-list] How to best deal with long books
From: "Gareth Oakes goakes@xxxxxxx" <jats-list-service@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 7 Nov 2022 03:31:59 -0000
Hi Denis,

Other XML dialects such as DITA include mechanisms for assembling documents
from parts. They have special elements that are handled by a processor that
will resolve things automatically.

I like Marybs idea of XInclude. However, using XInclude means you are using
a more prescriptive and less abstract approach. Essentially, XInclude gives
you the <xi:include> element which is then replaced with something else by an
XInclude-aware processor. The replacement can be text or XML. You can see some
examples here<> and

The benefit of using XInclude is that you donbt have to write and maintain
yet another processing script. The XML processor will handle the inclusion for
you, and any others who need to work on the system will be able to deal with
this as a regular XML feature. The downside would be that if the processing
semantics donbt match up well with your use-case (e.g. merging or
transforming metadata) then it may prove more trouble than it is worth. I have
also found it troublesome to work with or edit XML files that contain
XIncludes b my editor bhelpfullyb resolved away the XIncludes when I
didnbt want it to!

Hopefully some of that helps your thought process?


// Gareth Oakes
// Chief Project Officer, GPSL

From: "denis.maier@xxxxxxxx" <jats-list-service@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Reply to: "jats-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
Date: Saturday, 5 November 2022 at 20:26
To: "mary@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <mary@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
"jats-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <jats-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: AW: [jats-list] How to best deal with long books

One approach would be to reuse the individual book-parts by creating a book or
book-part that then uses includes to pull in the individual segments using
<xi:include> elements that point to the files:

    <xi:include href=bb&b/>
   <xi:include href=bb&b/>

These files can also contain metadata, headings, etc. that go before, after,
and in between entries.

Thanks Mary. Yes, Ibve found the xi:include element already. Ibm just
wondering, do you have to select a specific node from the included document.
As in, as you say, each file will also contain metadata etc. of the book as a
whole. It, of course, doesnbt make much sense to have that repeatedly
showing up...

(Maybe Ibm overthinking things, and I might just as well use a simple python
script to build the concatenated files needed for typesetting and HTML
production. Could be easier after all...)

On Nov 4, 2022, at 12:35 PM, denis.maier@xxxxxxxx<mailto:denis.maier@xxxxxxxx>
<jats-list-service@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:jats-list-service@xxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

Hi again,

another question regarding our catalog of incunables...

As things currently stand, webll have a project with about more than 400
different BITS files, each containing one `book-part`, i.e, one incunable.
Now, whatbs the best approach for having both the individual files as well
as a complete volume? And maybe even have some sort of grouped extracts, say :
all the incunables that start with B+AB; in one file, those that start with
letter B+BB; in another file, and so on?

How would you deal with that? Does that make sense? Are there some established
best practices for project organization? (In the end, Ibll need to go from
the XMLs to HTML, and maybe also to PDF, webll see.)


UniversitC$t Bern

UniversitC$tsbibliothek Bern
Fachreferat Theologie, Religionswissenschaft und Judaistik
Co-Leitung Koordinationsstelle Informationskompetenz

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