Re: XML + (XSL | CSS) ?

Subject: Re: XML + (XSL | CSS) ?
From: "Lisa Pease" <lisap@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 14 May 1998 10:07:55 -0700
-----Original Message-----
From: Daniel Glazman <Daniel.Glazman@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: xsl-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <xsl-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thursday, May 14, 1998 9:51 AM
Subject: Re: XML + (XSL | CSS) ?

>Lisa Pease wrote:
>> XSL allows me to do all kinds of things I could never do in CSS. Let's
>> a very simple example. Imagine I have a book catalog with 1000s of books
>> it. Each has this form in XML:
>> <BOOK>
>> <TITLE>...</TITLE>
>> <ISBN>...</ISBN>... and so forth.
>> Imagine now that I want to print it out in this form:
>> Title:  [title]
>> Author: [author]
>> ISBN: [isbn]
>> etc.
>> Using XSL, I can put the text directly into the style sheet once, and
>> it repeat 1000 times for each book listing. In addition, I can select out
>> only those portions which I am using for that list.
>> Now imagine being able to add script to a style within the style
>> itself. You can do that in XSL. You can't in CSS.
>Oh yes you can :
> BOOK:before { content : "Title: " }
>Section 12.1 of CSS 2.

Well you got me there! ;-) But does CSS2 provide any selection mechanism, or
the native inclusion of script actions within a style? Not now, as of yet.

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