Subject: RE: Grand Unification Theory (XSL/XPointer) From: Guy_Murphy@xxxxxxxxxx Date: Wed, 14 Apr 1999 10:51:21 +0100 |
Hi. I too have been thinking on this matter, specifically examining why I seem to prefer the idea of using XSL-like pattern matching to point, and came up with the conclusion that as I understand it at the moment (I *need* to do more reading on XPointer, wanted to check a few things but seems to be down at the mo), XSL-like pattern matching gives me flexibility as to what I want to point at, especialy if the nodes I want to point at aren't continuous and adjacent. Does XPointer allow for this type of pointing? What if I want to point at all <sub-title> nodes in a document, the desirablity of which can be seen if I want to use these sub-titles as anchors for "back to top" links. In the DOM we have document.getElementsByTagName('sub-title') to offer similar functionality, but this quickly dies if we're wanting to select by attribute. It would seem to me that XSL-like patterns that returned a flat collection, would be nice for pointing, and would continue consistently from current emerging standards. Cheers Guy xsl-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx on 04/14/99 03:59:47 AM To: xsl-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx cc: (bcc: Guy Murphy/UK/MAID) Subject: RE: Grand Unification Theory (XSL/XPointer) [SNIP] I spent some time reading the proposals and postings on XQL from the last workshop on Queries. If we look at what XPointer, XSL and XQL try to resolve is "get me this or these objects based on this or these criteria". All have to deal with class based queries and instance based queries. We should be able to leverage our knowledge from one world to the other. In fact, all these worlds should be set or subset of the same world. But today, we have three different worlds and ways of saying things. regards Didier PH Martin mailto:martind@xxxxxxxxxxxxx XSL-List info and archive: XSL-List info and archive:
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