Re: XSLT V 1.1

Subject: Re: XSLT V 1.1
From: David Carlisle <davidc@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 14 Sep 2000 10:22:12 GMT
> 3. For other ( I think weird and hypothetical, but maybe 
> possible - depends on David's answer ) 

As things currently stand in XSLT you have to use the second argument
whenever you want to interpret a relative URI as in the xpath model
(although not, I think, strictly implied by XML 1.0) the base URI
used for resolving relative URI references depends on the URI
of the entity (and with xbase, it depends on the URI of the element)
rather than the URI of the document root. This means that in XML
entity reference to external entities is not simply a textual macro
replacement of the &xxx; by the content of the file, URI information
has to be preserved.

> There is document() function. It is loading XML files.
> It is resolved relatively to URI of XSL stylesheet
> ( but not relatively to URI of XML input ). This is 
> not reasonable and requires second parameter 
> mumbo-jumbo. 

Including documents relative to the stylesheet is very common:
the xml file may have textual (eg language dependent) texts and it is
often more convenient to have them stored in an XML form other than
an XSL file conating a variable definition (which would be the
alternative, if you had to use xsl:include)

But the functionality of the second argument is needed anyway if you
need to dereference relative URI coming from the source. The URI of the
root of the document is just not the correct base URI for such
references in most of the documents that I see.


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