Re: [xsl] order-by: char or int?

Subject: Re: [xsl] order-by: char or int?
From: "TP" <tpass001@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 17 Dec 2001 14:51:14 -0600

> > Can i sort numbers using order-by like in
> > xsl:sort, we can set
> > data type = number or char or something. surely when order-by
> > came out,
> > someone must have faced what i am facing.
> >
> You don't seem to appreciate that Microsoft put their WD-xsl product out
> an implementation of a draft specification, which Microsoft patched up to
> fill the most glaring holes, but which still had a year of development
> ahead of it before it matured into the XSLT specification. The product was
> very hastily put together ("internet time", it used to be called) and
> are very many gaps in its functionality.
I do appreciate what Microsoft has done for computing in general. Am not
into $oft bashing, whatever works, works.

> I do have sympathy with your problem (maintaining code written in this
> dialect is not a task I envy you), but you need to understand that the
> longer you delay the conversion to XSLT, the greater the eventual costs
> be.

Thanks Mike, and I have taken about 70% of the xsl to the new version but
the other are intricate in terms of interactions with the frames, and hence
wud take time.

*******which gets me back to my query :) does there exist a way to do
xsl:order-by of numbers or the only way to do xsl:order-by is to let the
processor assume that all are characters.

Thanks .


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