Re: [xsl] Shorthand.

Subject: Re: [xsl] Shorthand.
From: Abel Braaksma <>
Date: Wed, 25 Jul 2007 19:56:42 +0200
It seems that my messages sometimes come through slowly, I don't know why, but it said the following:

If you use this browser based, you cannot rely on EXSLT extensions like exslt:function. If you use it server side, you can lookup the documentation of your processor whether (and how) it supports exslt:function or not.

hope that answers your question (and of course, consider the other options without params proposed by most of the repliers if exslt is not for you).


--Abel Braaksma

Steve wrote:
Something like this in XSL 1.0 would be great. Anyone?

On 7/25/07, Angela Williams <Angela.Williams@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
(Not tested)
<xsl:function name="my:ajax-link">
  <xsl:param name="href" select="'x'"/>
  <xsl:param name="text" select="'y'"/>
  <a href="{$href}" onClick="showData('{$href}');return
false;"><xsl:value-of select="$text" /></a>


<value-of select="my:ajax-link($href, $text)"/>

I'm not very familiar with the ins and outs of 1.0 , but I don't know of
a less verbose way to call a named template in either version....

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