Re: [xsl] junit test... for xslt2?

Subject: Re: [xsl] junit test... for xslt2?
From: Dave Pawson <davep@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 08 Mar 2010 10:48:07 +0000
On 08/03/10 10:43, Andrew Welch wrote:

  Here is a simplified exerpt of a test suite for the EXPath HTTP

    <t:call function="http:send-request">
       <!-- some param here... -->
    <t:expect test="count($t:result) eq 2"/>
    <t:expect test="$t:result[1] instance of element(http:response)"/>
    <t:expect test="$t:result[1]/xs:integer(@status) eq 200"/>
    <t:expect test="$t:result[2]/*">

Ok this is a good example of the concept behind xchecker... that test can easily be rewritten in XSLT - what you gain from the framework you also lose in it restrictions (failure messages, variables etc). There's nothing wrong with that at all by the way, I just think a slightly different (and better) approach is possible.

Is this a case of needing something 'outside' of XSLT?
Perhaps a simple Java framework to allow for testing failures?
Call the transform with 'bad' data to trap all the xsl:message
terminate='yes', then having done that, move in to XSLT
to test for 'good' paths?

Any failures in this second phase are definitely terminal.


Dave Pawson

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