Subject: Re: [xsl] Index with multiple <page-sequence>'s From: Wendell Piez <wapiez@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Date: Tue, 10 Aug 2010 15:51:29 -0400 |
I'm putting together a 500 page academic catalog where each of the 60 departments has it's own title page and subsequent content. The title page is styled differently then the remaining pages, so each department itself is a <page-sequence> so that I can style the "first" page of each department accordingly. Multiple <page-sequence>'s makes sense in this context and it's worked smoothly.
I then have to generate an index at the end of the catalog that references specific id's in the text of the department <page-sequences>'s. However, if I have <fo:block id="english"> in the English Department's content, it seems I can't then reference it by doing <fo:page-number-citation ref-id="english"> from within the index's <page-sequence>. I've also tried <fo:inline id="english"> but no luck.
I know that I can put an id on the <page-sequences>'s themselves and then reference them, but in this case, I need to reference material inside the text (i.e. not just the first or last page of a page-sequence).
Cheers, Wendell
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[xsl] Index with multiple <page-seq, Goettel, Christopher | Thread | RE: [xsl] Index with multiple <page, Goettel, Christopher |
[xsl] Index with multiple <page-seq, Goettel, Christopher | Date | RE: [xsl] Index with multiple <page, Goettel, Christopher |
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