Subject: RE: [xsl] Index with multiple <page-sequence>'s From: Wendell Piez <wapiez@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Date: Tue, 10 Aug 2010 18:23:23 -0400 |
If it helps, I'm using Apache FOP 0.95 and it may be a bug...
Within the document, the page numbers are working correctly. Page sequence to page sequence, the numbering is correct (pages 1-500) in the outputted pdf.
I also know that the identifier is unique because when I do <fo:page-sequence id="english"> and then reference it using <fo:page-number-citation ref-id="english"> (from another <fo:page-sequence>), it generates a page-number correctly. However, if I instead insert an <fo:block id="english"> (or <fo:inline id="english">) and remove the id from the <fo:page-sequence>, <fo:page-number-citation ref-id="english"> no longer generates a page number. I get an "WARNING: Unresolved id reference 'english' found."
The problem is referenced here, but I can't believe there's not a work around: (scroll down to "Total Document Pages")
Cheers, Wendell
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RE: [xsl] Index with multiple <page, Goettel, Christopher | Thread | [xsl] Problem with grouping on elem, Dieter Schmerlaib |
RE: [xsl] Index with multiple <page, Goettel, Christopher | Date | [xsl] Problem with grouping on elem, Dieter Schmerlaib |
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