full text databases and copyright

Subject: full text databases and copyright
From: Barbara Fister <fister@xxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 27 Sep 2004 11:02:26 -0300
Joe Esposito said
>It [ILL provisions in database licenses]won't be negotiable for long. Interlibrary loans of digital materials (not hardcopy) raise the specter of a publisher only being able to sell a single copy of a publication, with other copies being disseminated free of charge. <snip>

I don't see the format as being any different than print. We can't copy print journals either without paying rights (beyond the 5/5 limit). The incentives or lack of incentives would be no different than with print publication.

I'm actually more concerned about the economic impact of books being available for sharing when copies of articles are limited. It's a lot easier not to buy a book than to cancel a journal subscription and interlibrary loan of all kinds is getting more efficient for the borrower. This is a negative incentive for book publishing.

I'm *not* saying we should ditch the first sale concept - just that it's an issue librarians should try to balance as they find ways to cope with rising costs. It really saddens me when a university press closes its doors because libraries aren't buying their books but assume another library will.

Barbara Fister

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