Re: [stella] Jim Nitchals

Subject: Re: [stella] Jim Nitchals
From: Piero Cavina <p.cavina@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 10 Jun 1998 12:30:10 +0200
At 00.14 10/06/98 -0400, Chris Cracknell wrote:

>>Just wanted to post what I found at 
>>on Jim in case anyone was interested.

>It's such a strange sensation to deeply mourn the loss of a person
>you've never met, whose voice you've never heard, and who has only
>had contact with you in the form of ASCII text on a computer screen.
>Not only have we lost a guru, but a friend.

After hearing of his death, I've spent some hours on Dejanews, reading his
old messages. I'm very sorry.


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