Re: [stella] Beat em up 08

Subject: Re: [stella] Beat em up 08
From: Lord Spambraticus of Borg <lord-of-hell@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 11 Nov 1998 00:34:41 +1000
On Tue, 10 Nov 1998 14:41:27 +0100 Eckhard_Stolberg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
(Eckhard Stolberg) wrote:

>P.S. Can anyone here change DASM to output file format 2 without the

You mean "sparse mode EQU" records, but without an initial header?  Sure....
heheheh, I could whip up such a modification...  call it format 4, which fits
rather well in a "bitmap" progression, since format 3 is also headerless.

(1,2 = headered formats, 3,4 = headerless).

I can provide diffs against "virgin" DASM 2.01... and will provide a MacDASM
prebuilt + source distro to Ruffie for his Mactari site if there's interest.

Anyone have any problems with this approach?


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