Re: [stella] Poll: Developer Wishlist

Subject: Re: [stella] Poll: Developer Wishlist
From: Ruffin Bailey <rufbo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 10 Feb 1999 13:22:40 -0500
At 10:50 AM 2/10/99 -0700, you wrote:

>Why?  As is, all platforms with a C compiler (incidentally, many more than
>those with a Java VM) can use them.  Personally, having something written
>in Java is more of a disincentive (to me) to use it because Java programs
>require a bloated (and buggy!) virtual machine to run them. 

One reason a Java implementation would be "cool" would be the ability to
serve data via a browser and email.  Hit my DAsm site, cut and paste me
your code, and I'll email you the bin.  Better yet, I'll let you play it in
my Java version of Stella!  Or possibly the height of this set-up, plug
your Supercharger into your audio-out port and my WebDAsm will take your
source and play the sound (probably in an .au file) for immediate use on a
real VCS.  Then anything with a Java-savvy browser has Makewav.

Though I will, in the end, concede your point.  Though what's being done
here (w/ DAsm) could probably be managed even on the Mac's VM (perhaps the
buggiest of them all right now), with the audience we're dealing with
(which is probably fairly familiar with compilers), C might be the way to go.

Ruffin Bailey

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