Re: [stella] Some thoughts that hit me while the power was out

Subject: Re: [stella] Some thoughts that hit me while the power was out
From: Pete Holland <petehollandjr@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 20 May 1999 15:38:17 -0700 (PDT)

--- Ruffin Bailey <rufbo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Stella manual talks about using the joyports as
> output, so that's one
> hurdle crossed.  There was a game for the Sega
> Genesis called Zero
> Tolerence that used a cable similar to the one of
> which you speak, but you
> had to hack the cable so that some wires switched
> places between consoles.
> I doubt the Atari would be much tougher.

No kidding.  This gets more and more interesting.  The Stella manual
says the control ports can be used for input as well?  Is this part of
the mechanism for reading the keyboard controllers (I seem to recall it
saying it sent out signals to scan which button was pressed, like how
different tones tell the computer which button on a touch-tone phone
was pushed), or is there something else I'm missing?

> Now all's that's left is for someone to write the
> game and make a Catbox
> for the 2600!  LAN party Friday...  bring Video
> Olympics, Combat, and, of
> course, Warlords!  ;^)

At the risk of looking dopey, what is a "Catbox"?  I never heard of
that?  Maybe I'm a little thick right now.  The notion of two-player
cooperative Missile Command and Kaboom! are dancing in my head....
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