Subject: [stella] Gunfight 2600: Worst Nightmare... From: Manuel Polik <manuel.polik@xxxxxxxxxxx> Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2001 16:11:07 +0100 |
Hi there! Just to show you, that I'm at least working on something, here's an update on Gunfight 2600. The kernel is now pushed to it's very limits, that means: - Two cycles left in the kernel - One cycle left in the each skipdraw branch Plus, coming to the nightmare, I'm already doing the complete kernel _without_ any STA WSYNC. Ok, I didn't play all my jokers yet and maybe I'm able to get rid of one or another CLC, SEC - or what I'm most positive about - the two EORs. I need some more cycles, in order to replace some immediate reads with variable reads here & there. Even more important - to reduce flicker later, I should somewhere be able to verify if I'm ready to reposition, which would force another... CPY line BEQ Reposition ...with 6 cycles :-) If you look carefully at the demo, you see that I already had to compromise here & there (e.g. I've redesigned the colors, so that it doesn't matter if they're shifted a line. I just can't take care of all timings anymore) and you see approximately where the cowboys are restricted to move later. That changes by the minute at the moment, so I didn't restrict the movement 100%. It's better for testing too, when the cowboys have more freedom in their movement as I allow later. I still can't tell wether the kernel will work out in the end, or if I've to do more compromises or skip some features... Comment if you like, any ideas to squeeze another cycle out of the kernel appreciated. Ok, now I'll see if these EORs can be removed. I had some reason to invert all logic here in an earlier stage, maybe the reason is gone by now :-) Greetings, Manuel
processor 6502 include vcs.h SCREENSTART = $60 SEG.U vars org $80 horPosP0 ds 1 ; Horizontal position horPosP1 ds 1 ; Horizontal position horPosM0 ds 1 ; Horizontal position horPosM1 ds 1 ; Horizontal position horPosBL ds 1 ; Horizontal position verPosP0 ds 1 ; Vertical position verPosP1 ds 1 ; Vertical position verPosM0 ds 1 ; Vertical position verPosM1 ds 1 ; Vertical position verPosBL ds 1 ; Vertical position colorpointer ds 4 ; pointer to color tables playerpointer ds 4 ; pointer to shape tables gunShift ds 2 ; cowboy colors SEG code org $F000 start SEI CLD LDX #$FF TXS LDA #$00 zero STA $00,X ;zero out the machine DEX BNE zero LDA #$32 ;set up some of the variables. STA COLUP0 ;set up sprite colour LDA #$30 ;set up the starting vertical position of sprite STA verPosP0 STA verPosP1 LDX #$26 STX verPosM1 STX verPosM0 STA verPosBL LDX #$03 SetUpHorizontal LDA horpostab,X STA horPosP0,X DEX BPL SetUpHorizontal LDA #$1C STA COLUBK MainLoop JSR VerticalSync ; JSR VerticalBlank ; JMP MainScreen ; MainScreen does Overscan VerticalSync LDA #$02 ; STA WSYNC ; Finish current line STA VSYNC ; start vertical sync LDA #$03 ; STA TIM64T ; JMP WaitIntimReady ; Wait until vertical sync finished VerticalBlank STA WSYNC ; Finish current line STA VSYNC ; Stop vertical sync LDA #$2B ; STA TIM64T ; Init timer ; Position all objects LDY #$04 PosAnother ldx horPosP0,Y ;+3 3 JSR PosPlayer DEY BPL PosAnother STA WSYNC ; Finish current line sta HMOVE LDY #SCREENSTART ; Init display Kernel LDA #$08 STA REFP1 ; Reflect Player 1 ; Init pointers (yes, a very quick hack :-)) CLC LDA #<p0data ; Init Pointers SBC verPosP0 ADC #$13 STA playerpointer ; LDA #>p0data ; Init Pointers STA playerpointer+1 ; CLC LDA #<p0data ; Init Pointers SBC verPosP1 ADC #$13 STA playerpointer+2 ; LDA #>p0data ; Init Pointers STA playerpointer+3 ; LDA #$01 sta VDELP0 sta VDELBL LDA #$30 sta NUSIZ0 sta NUSIZ1 STA HMCLR ; must be enough space from WSYNC! LDA #$00 sta HMM0 ;+3 10 LDA #$00 sta HMM1 ;+3 10 LDA #$00 sta HMP1 ;+3 10 sta HMP0 ;+3 10 inc horPosBL CLC LDA #<colordata ; Init Pointers SBC verPosP0 ADC #$13 STA colorpointer ; LDA #>colordata ; Init Pointers STA colorpointer+1 ; CLC LDA #<colordata2 ; Init Pointers SBC verPosP1 ADC #$13 STA colorpointer+2 ; LDA #>colordata2 ; Init Pointers STA colorpointer+3 ; WaitIntimReady LDA INTIM ; Wait until vertical blank finished BNE WaitIntimReady ; RTS Waste STA WSYNC ; Waste a line DEX ; BNE Waste ; if X is not zero, do more lines RTS SkipDraw LDA #$10 STA.w gunShift+1 SEC LDA #$00 BEQ Continue SkipDraw2 LDA #$F0 STA.w gunShift SEC LDA #$00 BEQ Continue2 MainScreen STA WSYNC ; Finish current line STA VBLANK ; Stop vertical blank NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP NextLine LDX #$1F TXS LDX #$00 TYA SBC verPosP0 ; ADC #$13 STA HMOVE BCC SkipDraw LDA (colorpointer),Y STA COLUP0 LDA (playerpointer),Y ; STX COLUP1 Continue STA GRP0 ; TYA SBC verPosP1 ; ADC #$13 BCC SkipDraw2 LDA (colorpointer+2),Y STA COLUP1 STX COLUP0 LDA (playerpointer+2),Y ; Continue2 CPY verPosBL PHP NOP STA GRP1 LDA gunShift EOR #$F0 STA HMM0 LDA gunShift+1 EOR #$10 STA HMM1 STA HMOVE STX COLUP1 LDA (colorpointer),Y STA COLUP0 TYA CLC SBC verPosM1 AND #$FF PHP TYA CLC SBC verPosM0 AND #$FF PHP STX gunShift SEC STX gunShift+1 LDA (colorpointer+2),Y STA COLUP1 STX COLUP0 DEY BNE NextLine LDX #$FF TXS oscan2 JSR joy ;overscan. Time to read the joysticks. LDX #$1E STA WSYNC LDA #$02 STA VBLANK ; Start vertical blank JSR Waste JMP MainLoop ; Repeat joy LDY #$00 LDA SWCHA ASL BCC right ASL BCC left ASL BCC down ASL BCC up ASL BCC right2 ASL BCC left2 ASL BCC down2 ASL BCC up2 RTS right INC horPosM1 INC horPosP0 LDA horPosP0 CMP #$31 BNE HorPosOK DEC horPosP0 DEC horPosM1 HorPosOK rts left DEC horPosM1 DEC horPosP0 ;set horizontal motion register to one pixel left LDA horPosP0 CMP #$07 BNE HorPosOK2 INC horPosM1 INC horPosP0 HorPosOK2 rts up LDA verPosP0 ;make sure we haven't gone over the top of the screen CMP #SCREENSTART-1 BEQ NoClimb INC verPosP0 ;if not then increase the vertical position INC verPosM1 ;if not then increase the vertical position NoClimb RTS down LDA verPosP0 CMP #$15 BEQ NoSink DEC verPosP0 ;decrease the vertical position DEC verPosM1 ;decrease the vertical position NoSink RTS right2 INC horPosM0 INC horPosP1 ;set horizontal motion register to one pixel right LDA horPosP1 CMP #$99 BNE HorPosOK3 DEC horPosM0 DEC horPosP1 HorPosOK3 rts left2 DEC horPosP1 ;set horizontal motion register to one pixel left DEC horPosM0 LDA horPosP1 CMP #$68 BNE HorPosOK4 INC horPosP1 INC horPosM0 HorPosOK4 rts up2 LDA verPosP1 ;make sure we haven't gone over the top of the screen CMP #SCREENSTART-1 BEQ NoClimb2 INC verPosP1 ;if not then increase the vertical position INC verPosM0 ;if not then increase the vertical position NoClimb2 RTS down2 LDA verPosP1 CMP #$15 BEQ NoSink2 DEC verPosP1 ;decrease the vertical position DEC verPosM0 ;decrease the vertical position NoSink2 RTS PosPlayer sta WSYNC ;begin scanline lda HorzTable,X ;+4 7 sta HMP0,Y ;+3 10 and #$0F ;+2 12 tax ;+2 14 P0 dex ;+2 16 bpl P0 ;when branch not taken: +2 (18 + x*5) sta RESP0,Y ;(21 + x*5) sta WSYNC rts ORG $FE00 HorzTable ;this must not cross a page boundary .byte $30,$20,$10,$00,$F0,$E0,$D0,$C0,$B0,$A0,$90 .byte $71,$61,$51,$41,$31,$21,$11,$01,$F1,$E1,$D1,$C1,$B1,$A1,$91 .byte $72,$62,$52,$42,$32,$22,$12,$02,$F2,$E2,$D2,$C2,$B2,$A2,$92 .byte $73,$63,$53,$43,$33,$23,$13,$03,$F3,$E3,$D3,$C3,$B3,$A3,$93 .byte $74,$64,$54,$44,$34,$24,$14,$04,$F4,$E4,$D4,$C4,$B4,$A4,$94 .byte $75,$65,$55,$45,$35,$25,$15,$05,$F5,$E5,$D5,$C5,$B5,$A5,$95 .byte $76,$66,$56,$46,$36,$26,$16,$06,$F6,$E6,$D6,$C6,$B6,$A6,$96 .byte $77,$67,$57,$47,$37,$27,$17,$07,$F7,$E7,$D7,$C7,$B7,$A7,$97 .byte $78,$68,$58,$48,$38,$28,$18,$08,$F8,$E8,$D8,$C8,$B8,$A8,$98 .byte $79,$69,$59,$49,$39,$29,$19,$09,$F9,$E9,$D9,$C9,$B9,$A9,$99 .byte $7A,$6A,$5A,$4A,$3A,$2A,$1A,$0A,$FA,$EA,$DA,$CA,$BA,$AA,$9A horpostab .byte $18,$90,$78,$32 ORG $FF80 p0data .byte %11101110 .byte %10001000 .byte %01001100 .byte %00100110 .byte %01111110 .byte %10111100 .byte %10111100 .byte %10111100 .byte %11111100 .byte %01111111 .byte %00111111 .byte %00011000 .byte %00111100 .byte %00111110 .byte %00110100 .byte %11111111 .byte %00111100 .byte %00101100 .byte %00101000 colordata .byte $00 .byte $00 .byte $00 .byte $00 .byte $00 .byte $E8 .byte $E6 .byte $E4 .byte $E2 .byte $E2 .byte $E2 .byte $3E .byte $3E .byte $3E .byte $00 .byte $13 .byte $15 .byte $15 .byte $17 colordata2 .byte $00 .byte $00 .byte $00 .byte $00 .byte $00 .byte $F8 .byte $F6 .byte $F4 .byte $F2 .byte $F2 .byte $F2 .byte $3E .byte $3E .byte $3E .byte $00 .byte $11 .byte $12 .byte $13 .byte $14 org $FFFC .word start .word start
Description: Binary data
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[stella] Gunfight 2600: It could've, Manuel Polik | Thread | Re: [stella] Gunfight 2600: Worst N, Thomas Jentzsch |
[stella] Qb: v0.10, Andrew Davie | Date | Re: [stella] Qb: v0.10, Glenn Saunders |
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