Re: [stella] Infogrames considers Atari 2600 B-Side release!

Subject: Re: [stella] Infogrames considers Atari 2600 B-Side release!
From: Russ Perry Jr <slapdash@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 6 Jun 2001 22:41:42 -0500
At 8:36 PM +0200 6/6/01, Thomas Jentzsch wrote:
>- some more new homebrew games (Oystron, TPS, Edtris...)

I'm assuming you left Thrust off only due to A) licensing or B) modesty?

Actually, I rather like the idea of putting some homebrews on the cart...
It should freak out some old 2600 fans ("I never saw this before!"), and
might encourage a few more people to try their hand at developing something.
||  Russ Perry Jr   2175 S Tonne Dr #114   Arlington Hts IL 60005  ||
||  847-952-9729    slapdash@xxxxxxxxxxxx    VIDEOGAME COLLECTOR!  ||

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