Re: [stella] Poker Solitaire, build 00f

Subject: Re: [stella] Poker Solitaire, build 00f
From: "B. Watson" <urchlay@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 25 Nov 2001 16:30:35 -0500 (EST)
On Sun, 25 Nov 2001, Erik J. Eid wrote:

> I remember!  I was so happy when I went from a 400 to an 800XL that the
> keyclick was routed through the speaker instead.  However, in the XL and XE
> series, you could disable the click by putting a nonzero value in location
> 731 (NOCLICK).

Yeah, that was probably the best feature the XL had over the 400/800 :)
Up in the attic of my parents house, I found my old 1200XL.. hmmm...

> I figured I would go with Hozer for distributing Euchre, but that's a while
> down the line.  I know that I do want a printed manual because I feel it
> will be pretty essential to those unfamiliar with Euchre and I am also a
> completist and like to have a manual with every game whenever possible.

I think it'd be cool to have a printed manual, but I do want my games to be
playable without one.. the best games are like that (Yar's Revenge, Frogs
& Flies, Gunfight, etc..)


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