Re: [stella] Thomas Jentzsch's PAL -> NTSC Conversions

Subject: Re: [stella] Thomas Jentzsch's PAL -> NTSC Conversions
From: "John Saeger" <john@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 6 Feb 2002 07:05:43 -0800
Thomas Wrote:

> I have a "Strahlen der Teufelsvoegel" (Good2600 name) binary, but that's
> only an "Atlantis" hack and it displays 318 lines. And I have "Krieg der
> Sterne", which is nearly the same (CloneSpy rating 99%), but displays
> 286 lines. That should be "Curtiss", right?

Maybe.  It is an atlantis hack.

> Well, hacking a hack doesn't make much sense for me. I think, you should
> play "Atlantis" instead. :-)

I agree, but I must admit, for a hack I thought it was clever.  I like the
flying birds.  ;-)


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