Subject: [stella] Happy Independence Day! From: "Bob Colbert" <rcolbert@xxxxxxx> Date: Thu, 4 Jul 2002 08:34:35 -0500 |
Just wanted to wish everyone a happy day, (even if you aren't from the US). Take a minute to be thankful for the freedoms you have! Bob -----Original Message----- From: owner-stella@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:owner-stella@xxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of KirkIsrael@xxxxxxxxxxxxx Sent: Thursday, July 04, 2002 8:19 AM To: stella@xxxxxxxxxxx Subject: Re: [stella] "kernel panic!" Ruffin wrote: > > I've been thinking I'd do the same thing Kirk has proposed, using a byte of > RAM for each object as a buffer [and use branching in the kernel for PF > updates]. LDA from zero page takes 3 cycles and STA into zero page also > takes 3. That's 6 per object checked, making 24 for four objects. Since I > can "carry over" one value from the preceding scan line, that's 24-3 = 21. > It would appear from Nick's Cycle Counting paper that this is going to put > me one cycle over where I want to be for one object. > > That sound about right? A few tweaks come to mind: 1. Why only one "carry over"? Asusmming your "Nick"ing Y for the scan line count, you should be able to populate both A and X with a value...less'n you got some better use for one a those. 2. one thought I had before the idea I came up with (hmmm... it needs a cool name ala SkipDraw, since I think I'm going to be using it a 'bout "PlayerBufferFluffer", since it's a fluffy way of writing code) is to not let things on the screen get that far left. Kind of cheesy. Actually, I'm not sure how to do that without use of the player graphics as a border, since you can't read the Horizontal Positions directly, right? Though given what I understand about your work in progress (very interesting idea, and one of the most interesting ones to copy from that game (are you really trying to avoid uttering the name?)...I hope it works out even in a "symmetrical" game (i.e. usually one of those creatures was up against some different creature, it wasn't two of the same creature duking it out) You might be able to create a decent box around the playfield... I guess the technique has to be the idea of sub-kernals...first you do some WSYNCs in the score land, then maybe stick the playfield solid for a few lines, then you do the Y line counting (less than the full 191), then you fill it solid and do the last few lines) With a PlayerBufferFluffer routine, that might get a little weird around the "transition" where the playfield changes from solid to a reflected bar for the left and right edge and back. -- KirkIsrael@xxxxxxxxxxxxx "SANTA HAS A TUMOR IN HIS HEAD THE SIZE OF AN OLIVE. MAYBE IT WILL GO AWAY TOMORROW BUT I DON'T THINK SO." --sign language by Crumpet the Macy's SantaLand Elf (David Sedaris) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ Archives (includes files) at Unsub & more at ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Archives (includes files) at Unsub & more at
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