Re: [stella] Space Treat with score

Subject: Re: [stella] Space Treat with score
From: "Paul Slocum" <paul-stella@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 30 Dec 2002 15:32:18 -0600
That's great that you added a score! Here are my latest questions/comments:

- Instead of waiting at the end of the game for the player to press fire, why not just display the level and score of the last game on the title screen? Just use the same code that displays it between levels, but you could maybe darken it if you don't want it to be so prominent. Then it's more clear that the game is over.

- I wish the score was displayed during gameplay at the bottom. You'd have to do a simpler display for the remaining lives (maybe use playfield instead) but I think it would be nice to always see the score. You could also have the energy bar drain at the end of the level and show the score increasing (this is really easy to do) like many Activision games. And since you can use the same score routine that you use between levels, it shouldn't use a significant amount of ROM.

- I've noticed that your ship slows when you're energy gets low. But if your energy gets low and then you die, your next ship will have full energy but will still be slow.

Has anyone reached level 20? I just can't quite make it. I've made it 19 a few times now.


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