[stella] Alternate 8K Banswitching Template

Subject: [stella] Alternate 8K Banswitching Template
From: Christopher Tumber <christophertumber@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 02 Jan 2003 17:26:45 -0500
This is based on Manuel's template of a couple weeks ago, but simplified slightly (I couldn't shoehorn Space Instigators into the original because my tables are packed really tight at the top of ROM...). 

To change banks, just JMP to the start of the current bank (ie: jmp Start0 or jmp Start1 will switch to the other bank)

Program starts running in Bank0.

    processor 6502
    include vcs.h

    SEG.U vars
    ORG $80

;Variables here

    SEG     Bank0
    ORG     $1000
    RORG    $D000

    BIT $1FF9  ;Switch to other bank

;First ~4k Code Here

    ORG $1FF8
    RORG $DFF8
    .byte 0,0 

    ORG     $1FFC
    RORG    $DFFC
    .word Start0
    .word Start0

    SEG.U vars
    ORG $80

;Variables here

    SEG     Bank1
    ORG     $2000
    RORG    $F000

    BIT $1FF8  ;Switch to other bank

;Second ~4k Code Here

    ORG $2FF8
    RORG $FFF8
    .byte 0,0 

    ORG $2FFC
    .word Start1
    .word Start1

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