Re: Aw: Re: [stella] need 16-bit math for JoustPong?

Subject: Re: Aw: Re: [stella] need 16-bit math for JoustPong?
From: "Eric Ball" <ericball@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 6 Feb 2004 07:59:33 -0500
From: <KirkIsrael

> But after a stern talking to from Andrew Davies ;-) I'm renouncing
> my heretical "big endian" ways, though high byte last still seems
> awfully weird to me.

Little endian makes sense when you consider how the indexed & indirect
addressing modes work.  Fetch the first byte (address LSB) add the X or Y
register while fetching the second byte (address MSB), if there is a carry
take an extra cycle handling that (page boundary penalty), then fetch/store
from the destination address.

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