Subject: RE: [stella] JoustPong: more exciting than ever! From: "Paul Slocum" <paul-stella@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Date: Mon, 23 Feb 2004 13:14:33 -0600 |
Description: Binary data
;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; Generic 2600 Game ; ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- processor 6502 include vcs.h ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Constants ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; RAM Variables ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- frame equ $80 temp equ $81 temp16L equ $82 temp16H equ $83 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- org $F000 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Start of Program ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Clear memory, locate character graphics positions and such, ; initialize key memory values, start GameLoop. ;------------------------------------------------------------- Start sei cld ldx #$FF txs lda #0 clear sta 0,x dex bne clear ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Initialize variables / registers ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- stx GRP0 stx GRP1 stx PF0 stx PF1 stx PF2 ; Set background black lda #0 sta COLUBK ; Set playfield to white LDA #$0F STA COLUPF ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; GameLoop ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- GameLoop jsr VSync ;start vertical retrace inc frame ;count frame jsr VBlank ; spare time during screen blank jsr Picture ; draw one screen jsr overscan ; do overscan jmp GameLoop ;back to top ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; VSync ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- VSync lda #2 ;bit 1 needs to be 1 to start retrace sta VSYNC ;start retrace sta WSYNC ;wait a few lines sta WSYNC lda #44 ;prepare timer to exit blank period (44) sta TIM64T ;turn it on sta WSYNC ;wait one more sta VSYNC ;done with retrace, write 0 to bit 1 rts ; VSync ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; VBlank ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Game Logic ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- VBlank rts ; VBlank ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Overscan ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; More Game Logic ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- overscan sta WSYNC lda #36 ; Use the timer to make sure overscan takes (34) sta TIM64T ; 30 scan lines. 29 scan lines * 76 = 2204 / 64 = 34.4 endOS lda INTIM ; We finished, but wait for timer bne endOS ; by looping till zero sta WSYNC ; End last scanline lda #$82 sta VBLANK lda #$02 sta VBLANK rts ; overscan ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Draw TV Pictures ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Picture ; position and setup players sta WSYNC ldx #8 posDelay dex bne posDelay sta RESP1 ldx #4 posDelay2 dex bne posDelay2 sta RESP0 lda #%00010000 sta HMP0 sta WSYNC sta HMOVE lda #$84 sta COLUP0 lda #$24 sta COLUP1 lda #2 sta NUSIZ0 lda #5 sta NUSIZ1 pictureLoop lda INTIM ;check timer for end of VBLANK period bne pictureLoop ;loop until it reaches 0 sta WSYNC lda #$80 sta VBLANK ;end screen blank ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ldx #192 ScanLoop: sta WSYNC txa and #%00001111 tay lda data1,y sta GRP0 ; left player lda data2,y sta GRP1 ; ptery dec $2d ; wait 5 cycles dec $2d ; and another lda data3,y sta GRP0 ; right player dex bne ScanLoop stx GRP0 stx GRP1 rts ; Picture data1 byte %00111000 byte %00010000 byte %00010000 byte %00010000 byte %00010000 byte %00010000 byte %00110000 byte %00010000 byte 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 data2 byte %01111100 byte %01000000 byte %00100000 byte %00010000 byte %00001000 byte %00000100 byte %01000100 byte %00111000 byte 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 data3 byte %00111000 byte %01000100 byte %00000100 byte %00011000 byte %00000100 byte %00000100 byte %01000100 byte %00111000 byte 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Program Startup ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- org $FFFC .word Start .word Start
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