Re: [stella] JoustPong: feedback please on ball speed

Subject: Re: [stella] JoustPong: feedback please on ball speed
From: Christopher Tumber <christophertumber@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 05 Mar 2004 13:58:57 -0500
>Are you suggesting that up/down joystick totally determines the angle,
>or just influences it, adds a little english?
>And if that's the case, does a "flat" joystick leave the ball going 
>directly horizontal?

What I would suggest would be to essentially do both:

If the joystick is not pushed, then behave as in traditional pong (ie: where the ball strikes the paddle determines the direction of the bounce).

If the joystick is pushed then add some english to the bounce. 

Strinking the top of the paddle causes the ball to bounce towards the top of the screen
Strinking the bottom of the paddle causes the ball to bounce towards the bottom of the screen
Strinking the middle of the paddle causes the ball's direction to be mirrored

Holding the joystick up increases the angle of the bounce by X degrees
Holding the joystick down decreases the angle of the bounce by X degrees

You could also use the left and right joystick to increase and decrease the ball's speed and try to throw your opponent's timing off.

>I don't think I'd be smart enough to make the computer AI take advantge
>of it.

Just use the same formula as above, but, randomly add the english except as the AI difficulty increases make it more likely that the english and positioning of the paddle will be used to bounce the ball away from the player (ie: If the player is at the bottom of the screen the AI should try and bounce the ball towards the top of the screen).


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