Re: [stella] Black screen o' death is probably the TIA, right?

Subject: Re: [stella] Black screen o' death is probably the TIA, right?
From: Chris Wilkson <ecwilkso@xxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 11 Mar 2004 12:36:05 -0500 (EST)
On Thu, 11 Mar 2004, Adam Thornton wrote:

> Got any suggestions for specific, inexpensive, used models?

I've had my eyes open for a 2467B (plus TV trigger option) but those are
ridiculously expensive.

For a starter scope, I'd look at one of the Tek 2200 series (with TV trigger).
Check ePay.  Try for a 2235...they're fairly common and there's a wide range
of selling points.  The manual you can live without, but BE SURE IT COMES

> ...a bit later...
> AAARGH.  Well, I'm relieved, but idiotic.  While taking all the wires
> from the socket, I realized that at some point the solder joint between
> the jumper from the pin 20 (er, that'd be +5V) bus and the power bus had
> given way.

I suspected that, but I figured you had checked it out already.  Oh well.
Glad you found the problem!  :)


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