Re: [stella] INV again, almost final version - inv33104.bin

Subject: Re: [stella] INV again, almost final version - inv33104.bin
From: Albert Yarusso <albert@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 1 Apr 2004 08:10:21 -0600

The other thing it still might want is a better title? Or does everyone
know it as INV by now so I should just leave it at that?

I also like INV, although Thomas beat me to the bunch by suggesting "INV+". It might be worthwhile modifying the name just so slightly so people know it is a different (newer) version. Of course, that means we'd need to change the label. Might be time to create a nice manual for the game as well (presently we're just selling the cart by itself).

Albert Yarusso, albert@xxxxxxxxxxxx - Atari news, rarity guides, images, forums, and more!

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