Aw: Re: [stella] Crazy Balloon Beginner Mode

Subject: Aw: Re: [stella] Crazy Balloon Beginner Mode
From: cybergoth@xxxxxxxx
Date: Mon, 13 Jun 2005 04:42:49 -0400
Hi Weston!

> I was playing with the Difficulty set to allow balloon damage, on
> level 5 and wanted to determine what the glowing U-shaped object did.
> After several attempts I made it up close to this part of the screen,
> but then my balloon sprite altered into a mess of scattered pixels,
> and the pixels appeared to be double-wide?

Thanks for reporting! I have a vague idea what can cause this, and I'll
further investigate!

> Other than that, the game looks and plays great! :-)

Thank you! :-)


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