Re: [stella] my "pot" runneth over

Subject: Re: [stella] my "pot" runneth over
From: Erik Mooney <emooney@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 27 Jul 1999 10:36:56 -0400 (EDT)
> > All the way counterclockwise should be very low resistance and therefore
> > the capacitors would recharge immediately.  All the way clockwise, it's
> > actually quite long.  I tested this a while back, don't remember the exact
> > number but it was on the order of 1.5 frames (400-something scanlines.)
> ouch...that means i have to update the counter every
> other frame for a 1/30 second reaction time...:/

Remember that you don't need to and probably don't want to use the entire
range of the paddle.  Just abouta all paddle games use something like the
middle third of the paddle's range... play Super Breakout and watch how
far the paddle can still turn even after the onscreen paddle is all the
way to the right.
> > Definitely.  It's almost always worth extra bytes to get more screen
> > action going on the 2600.
> whew...then i didnt use up all the space for nothing
> when i wrote the darn routine today :)

Not at all.  Remember that the best and most complex 2600 screen kernels
(Millipede, Solaris, others) take up an entire 4k or more by themselves.

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