Re: [stella] Dungeons

Subject: Re: [stella] Dungeons
From: Rob <kudla@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 25 Apr 2001 08:50:24 -0400
At 10:05 PM 4/24/01 -0700, Glenn Saunders wrote:
>I would say that the vast majority of people likely to play a homebrew game 
>have a Supercharger.

I would say that the vast majority of people likely to play a homebrew game
will do so under emulation.  In terms of those who use consoles, though, I
guess the only way we'll know the answer is if someone releases a
Supercharger game and Randy or someone of equal mindshare sells cassettes
and CDR's of it, then reports back to us on relative units sold compared to

This could even be done with some of the games posted to this list, since
CDR's are a lot cheaper than cartridges.  But of course then they wouldn't
be Supercharger games, and it seems to me that people who want physical
copies of homebrews are likely to shell out for a cart.

>I mean, there is a reason things like the Stella CD and Worship the 
>Woodgrain can be sold without us losing our shirts in the process.

What if the reason is people like me who bought SGANB2 to play Communist
Mutants on an emulator?  Granted there's probably fewer of us now that the
Starpath games get posted to alt.binaries.emulators.misc every couple weeks
along with every other 2600 game known to man.


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