Re: [stella] Generic kernal or just build a game?

Subject: Re: [stella] Generic kernal or just build a game?
From: Manuel Rotschkar <cybergoth@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 30 Mar 2004 09:14:55 +0200
Hi there!

Sounds like something you'd do for double-wide bricks.

Yup, would work as well. In Glenns case I think he uses only half the RAM for the playfield, but he still uses the full resolution. So a line of his playfield would look on the screen like:


But using 1 byte of RAM only:


bitTable	byte #%00000011		; Thanks Manuel! :)
		byte #%00000011
		byte #%00001100
		byte #%00001100
		byte #%00110000
		byte #%00110000
		byte #%11000000
		byte #%11000000

Yeah and when you LSR the value once more, you'll need only

bitTable	byte #%00000011
		byte #%00001100
		byte #%00110000
		byte #%11000000

That's what I meant.

Glenn would need still the original full table though, as in RAM his blocks are still single bits.

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