Re: [stella] Reflex: To NTSC/PAL50/PAL60, or not to NTSC/PAL50/PAL60

Subject: Re: [stella] Reflex: To NTSC/PAL50/PAL60, or not to NTSC/PAL50/PAL60
From: debrodennis@xxxxxxxxxxx
Date: Tue, 03 Aug 2004 19:14:56 +0000

Hi Thomas,

> The bounding rectangle is lower in PAL50. Which is just logical,
> because the TV displays only 262 scanlines in NTSC and PAL60 vs. 312
> scanlines in PAL50. Since the ROM only uses about 200 of them for
> display, the scanline usage ratio is much worse in PAL50.

So it is more like a letter box feel. I'm curious about this too because I never saw Climber 5 on a PAL TV. I just ran it in Z26.

Most games I've seen (and that's not a lot of them) have done this. Air-Sea Battle was the first game I saw that adjusted the height of the display to compensate for this.

Take care,

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