xsl-list /at/ lists.mulberrytech.com
Thread Index
Last updated: Sun Aug 01 04:26:18 GMT 2010
170 messages
- Re: [xsl] Generating an internal subset?
- [xsl] Unique Attribute value
- RE: [xsl] debugging document() call
- [xsl] Getting html table cell values based on the table heading
- [xsl] XSL-List Guidelines
- [xsl] Re: debugging document() call
- [xsl] generating IE conditional comments, in IE
- [xsl] A question of style
- dvint - 7 Jul 2010 18:42:01 -0000
- [xsl] Merging common XML tree
- [xsl] "mode" not working as expected
- [xsl] overriding <xsl:output> attributes
- [xsl] Re: "mode" not working as expected
- [xsl] testing for a missing attribute
- [xsl] retrieve a parameter in the xsl
- [xsl] Could not read secondary source document in XSLT stylesheet
- [xsl] Versioned Namespaces
- [xsl] xsltproc: differences in processing namespaces
- [xsl] Significant whitespace in attribute values
- [xsl] XSL Function adjustColumnWidths()
- [xsl] Recognizing new line character in XSL
- [xsl] A problem using the xsl:key facility
- [xsl] How to disable/turn off the inclusion of DTD in html/xhtml to xml
- [xsl] The Apache Software Foundation Announces Apache FOP Version 1.0
- [xsl] Transformation with DocType and NameSpace
- [xsl] Question about saxon:call-template
- [xsl] Obtaining a node's schema type
- [xsl] <xsl:for-each> , only loop on half of the elements.
- [xsl] When I have a parent / has a subcat
- [xsl] xml:base URI ignored by document()
[xsl] Help with transforming unique set of data in XSLT 2.0
[xsl] Change header content dynamically
[xsl] Implement a Map created from docA, used to transform docB
[xsl] generic grouping without nesting for-each-group?
[xsl] fo:simple-page-master related
[xsl] Wrong encoding value: "Content is not allowed in prolog." ?
[xsl] ancestor::* and for-each
[xsl] Where in the XPath 2.0 is the text stating that a function can be used as the location step?
[xsl] dynamic function invocation
[xsl] ANN: LIBX* July 2010 Beta Release
[xsl] Correcting a prior error
[xsl] Change Months from English to French [XSLT 1.0]