Subject: [stella] What I did on my winter vacation From: Rob <kudla@xxxxxxxxx> Date: Mon, 03 Jan 2000 01:35:47 -0500 |
This is what happened to that horizontally scrolling thing I posted last week; I've implemented some of what I was talking about in the post. I figured I'd post it now since my vacation ends in 6 hours and I may not have time to hack for a while. I don't think it will work on a real 2600 because my cycle counting is nonexistent so far and I am pretty much generating anywhere between 260 and 270 scanlines according to the Stella emulator. But it shows what I'd like to do with it, I think (a split screen game with two independently scrolling playfields, though they're not quite independent just yet and I may simply run out of cycles before I get any playability in.) Please be gentle ;) (I've also changed the encoding type to MIME for this post against my better judgment, so let me know if it comes through funny.) Rob
; Horizontally Scrolling Playfield Thing ; Started 22 December 1999 ; by Rob Kudla ; First post 22 December 1999: Implemented simple horizontally scrolling playfield. ; Second post 3 January 2000: Implemented split screen with faked perspective. ; Player 1 can steer. Very bad sync problems. ; processor 6502 ; equates from vcs.h since it took me so long to find one that worked ; ; VCS system equates ; ; Vertical blank registers ; VSYNC = $00 VS_Enable = 2 VBLANK = $01 VB_Enable = 2 VB_Disable = 0 VB_LatchEnable = 64 VB_LatchDisable = 0 VB_DumpPots = 128 WSYNC = $02 RSYNC = $03 ; ; Size registers for players and missiles ; NUSIZ0 = $04 NUSIZ1 = $05 P_Single = 0 P_TwoClose = 1 P_TwoMedium = 2 P_ThreeClose = 3 P_TwoFar = 4 P_Double = 5 P_ThreeMedium = 6 P_Quad = 7 M_Single = $00 M_Double = $10 M_Quad = $20 M_Oct = $40 ; ; Color registers ; COLUP0 = $06 COLUP1 = $07 COLUPF = $08 COLUBK = $09 ; ; Playfield Control ; CTRLPF = $0A PF_Reflect = $01 PF_Score = $02 PF_Priority = $04 REFP0 = $0B REFP1 = $0C P_Reflect = $08 PF0 = $0D PF1 = $0E PF2 = $0F RESP0 = $10 RESP1 = $11 AUDC0 = $15 AUDC1 = $16 AUDF0 = $17 AUDF1 = $18 AUDV0 = $19 AUDV1 = $1A ;duh ; ; Players ; GRP0 = $1B GRP1 = $1C ; ; Single-bit objects ; ENAM0 = $1D ENAM1 = $1E ENABL = $1F M_Enable = 2 HMP0 = $20 HMP1 = $21 ; Miscellaneous VDELP0 = $25 VDEL01 = $26 VDELP1 = $26 VDELBL = $27 RESMP0 = $28 RESMP1 = $29 HMOVE = $2A HMCLR = $2B CXCLR = $2C CXM0P = $30 CXM1P = $31 CXP0FB = $32 CXP1FB = $33 CXM0FB = $34 CXM1FB = $35 CXBLPF = $36 CXPPMM = $37 INPT0 = $38 INPT1 = $39 INPT2 = $3A INPT3 = $3B INPT4 = $3C INPT5 = $3D ; ; Switch A equates. ; SWCHA = $0280 J0_Right = $80 J0_Left = $40 J0_Down = $20 J0_Up = $10 J1_Right = $08 J1_Left = $04 J1_Down = $02 J1_up = $01 ; ; Switch B equates ; SWCHB = $0282 P0_Diff = $80 P1_Diff = $40 Con_Color = $08 Con_Select = $02 Con_Start = $01 ; ; Timer ; INTIM = $0284 TIM1T = $0294 TIM8T = $0295 TIM64T = $0296 TIM1024T = $0297 ; local equates ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; CurrentFrame = $80 CurrentPFPtr = $81 PF0Data = $82 PF1Data = $83 PF2Data = $84 PFCarry = $85 PF0Data1 = $86 PF1Data1 = $87 PF2Data1 = $88 PF0Data2 = $89 PF1Data2 = $8a PF2Data2 = $8b PFDirection = $8c RLEPtr = $8d ; RLEPtr+1 = $8e RLEXORing = $8f RLEXORing1 = $90 RLEXORing2 = $91 PFDirection1 = $92 CurrentXORData = $BF ; 40 bytes actually starting at $C0 ; and away we go ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ORG $F000 Init2600: SEI ; Disable interrupts. CLD ; Clear BCD mode. LDX #$FF TXS ; Clear the stack. LDA #$00 ClearZeroPage: STA $00,X DEX BNE ClearZeroPage ; clear zero page except for VSYNC JSR InitGame MainLoop: INC CurrentFrame ; general all purpose frame counter JSR NewScreen JSR DrawScreen JSR Overscan ; including joystick and animate routines JMP MainLoop InitGame: ; used to set playfield colors but we do that in the screen draw now LDA PFData STA PF0Data1 STA PF0Data2 LDA PFData+1 STA PF1Data1 STA PF1Data2 LDA PFData+2 STA PF2Data1 ; set up initial playfield STA PF2Data2 ; set up initial playfield player 2 LDA #$00 STA RLEPtr LDA #$FF STA RLEPtr+1 ; JSR GetXORData RTS ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; NewScreen ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; NewScreen: LDA #$02 STA WSYNC ; Wait for horizontal sync STA VBLANK ; Turn on VBLANK STA VSYNC ; Turn on VSYNC STA WSYNC ; Skip 3 lines STA WSYNC STA WSYNC LDA #$00 STA VSYNC ; Turn VSYNC off LDA #$2C ; 37 lines of VBLANK STA TIM64T ; 44 * 64 = 2816 (need 2876 cycles of vblank) RTS ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Animate ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Animate: LDA CurrentFrame AND #$01 BNE EndAnimate ; only animate every other frame LDA #$00 STA PFCarry ; start assuming we don't carry LDA PFDirection AND #$80 BNE DoRotateLeft ; joystick right = rotate view left LDA PFDirection AND #$40 BEQ EndAnimate DoRotateRight: JSR RotateRight JMP EndAnimate DoRotateLeft: JSR RotateLeft EndAnimate: ; JSR GetXORData RTS ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; RotateLeft ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; RotateLeft: LDA PF0Data LSR ; rotate PF0 to left TAY AND #$08 BNE LCarry0 ; did we lose a bit? JMP LNoCarry0 ; if not, skip this next LCarry0: LDA PFCarry ORA #$01 ; turn on bit 0 of PFCarry STA PFCarry LNoCarry0: TYA AND #$F0 STA PF0Data LDA PF1Data CLC ASL ; rotate PF1 to left BCS LCarry1 JMP LNoCarry1 LCarry1: TAY LDA PFCarry ORA #$02 ; turn on bit 1 of PFCarry STA PFCarry TYA LNoCarry1: STA PF1Data LDA PF2Data CLC LSR ; rotate PF2 to left BCS LCarry2 JMP LNoCarry2 LCarry2: TAY LDA PFCarry ORA #$04 ; turn on bit 2 of PFCarry STA PFCarry TYA LNoCarry2: STA PF2Data LDA PFCarry AND #$02 ; mask out all but carry bit 1 (from PF1Data) ASL ASL ASL ASL ASL ASL ORA PF0Data ; add in bits from PF0Data STA PF0Data ; and put back in PF0Data LDA PFCarry AND #$04 ; mask out all but carry bit 2 (from PF2Data) LSR LSR ORA PF1Data STA PF1Data ; put into PF1Data LDA PFCarry AND #$01 ; mask out all but carry bit 0 (from PF0Data) ASL ASL ASL ASL ASL ASL ASL ORA PF2Data STA PF2Data ; put into PF2Data RTS ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; RotateRight ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; RotateRight: LDA PF0Data CLC ASL ; rotate PF0 to right BCS RCarry0 ; did we lose a bit? JMP RNoCarry0 ; if not, skip this next RCarry0: TAY LDA PFCarry ORA #$01 ; turn on bit 0 of PFCarry STA PFCarry TYA RNoCarry0: AND #$F0 STA PF0Data LDA PF1Data CLC LSR ; rotate PF1 to left BCS RCarry1 JMP RNoCarry1 RCarry1: TAY LDA PFCarry ORA #$02 ; turn on bit 1 of PFCarry STA PFCarry TYA RNoCarry1: STA PF1Data LDA PF2Data CLC ASL ; rotate PF2 to left BCS RCarry2 JMP RNoCarry2 RCarry2: TAY LDA PFCarry ORA #$04 ; turn on bit 2 of PFCarry STA PFCarry TYA RNoCarry2: STA PF2Data LDA PFCarry AND #$04 ; mask out all but carry bit 2 (from PF2Data) ASL ; need to set bit 4 of PF0 ASL ORA PF0Data ; add in bits from PF0Data STA PF0Data ; and put back in PF0Data LDA PFCarry AND #$01 ; mask out all but carry bit 0 (from PF0Data) ASL ; need to set bit 7 of PF1 ASL ASL ASL ASL ASL ASL ORA PF1Data STA PF1Data ; put into PF1Data LDA PFCarry AND #$02 ; mask out all but carry bit 1 (from PF1Data) LSR ; need to set bit 0 of PF2 ORA PF2Data STA PF2Data ; put into PF2Data RTS ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; DrawScreen ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; DrawScreen: LDA INTIM BNE DrawScreen ; wait till vblank is done STA WSYNC ; skip rest of current scanline STA VBLANK ; turn off vblank LDA #$00 STA CTRLPF ; set up playfield (repeat, not reflect) ; first group - player 1 sky LDY #$28 ; let's do 40 lines of this LDA #$8a ; a nice sky blue STA COLUPF STA COLUBK Scanline1: STA WSYNC DEY BNE Scanline1 ; second group - player 1 ground LDA #$a4 ; a nice shade of green STA COLUPF LDA #$be ; sort of a yellowish green STA COLUBK LDY #$28 ; let's do 40 lines of this Scanline2: ; now that that's out of the way see what else needs to be done LDA PF0Data EOR CurrentXORData-1,Y AND #$F0 STA PF0Data ; reverse PF0 if necessary LDA PF1Data EOR CurrentXORData-1,Y STA PF1Data ; reverse PF1 if necessary LDA PF2Data EOR CurrentXORData-1,Y STA PF2Data ; reverse PF2 if necessary STA WSYNC LDA PF0Data STA PF0 LDA PF1Data STA PF1 LDA PF2Data STA PF2 DEY BNE Scanline2 ; third group - vblank for now LDA #02 STA WSYNC STA VBLANK ; get player 2 playfield LDA PF0Data2 STA PF0Data STA PF0 LDA PF1Data2 STA PF1Data STA PF1 LDA PF2Data2 STA PF2Data STA PF2 LDY #$20 ; need 32 lines of vblank Scanline3: STA WSYNC DEY BNE Scanline3 LDA #$00 STA VBLANK ; fourth group - player 2 sky LDY #$28 ; let's do 40 lines of this LDA #$8a ; a nice sky blue STA COLUPF STA COLUBK Scanline4: STA WSYNC DEY BNE Scanline4 ; fifth group - player 2 ground LDA #$a4 ; a nice shade of green STA COLUPF LDA #$be ; sort of a yellowish green STA COLUBK LDY #$28 ; let's do 40 lines of this Scanline5: ; now that that's out of the way see what else needs to be done LDA PF0Data EOR CurrentXORData-1,Y AND #$F0 STA PF0Data ; reverse PF0 if necessary LDA PF1Data EOR CurrentXORData-1,Y STA PF1Data ; reverse PF1 if necessary LDA PF2Data EOR CurrentXORData-1,Y STA PF2Data ; reverse PF2 if necessary STA WSYNC LDA PF0Data STA PF0 LDA PF1Data STA PF1 LDA PF2Data STA PF2 DEY BNE Scanline5 ; ok, now the real vblank LDA #$02 STA WSYNC ; skip rest of current scanline STA WSYNC ; and another because we're only doing 190 STA VBLANK ; turn VBLANK back on JMP SkipReverse ; right now it doesn't end up reversed ; always ends up reversed - put back LDA PF0Data EOR #$FF AND #$F0 STA PF0Data ; reverse PF0 LDA PF1Data EOR #$FF STA PF1Data ; reverse PF1 LDA PF2Data EOR #$FF STA PF2Data ; reverse PF2 SkipReverse: RTS ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Overscan ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Overscan: ; animate player 2 playfield LDA CurrentFrame BMI Move2Right LDA #$80 JMP SetUpAnimate2 Move2Right: LDA #$40 SetUpAnimate2: STA PFDirection LDA CurrentFrame LSR LSR LSR AND #$07 ORA PFDirection STA PFDirection LDA PF0Data2 STA PF0Data LDA PF1Data2 STA PF1Data LDA PF2Data2 STA PF2Data LDA RLEXORing2 STA RLEXORing JSR Animate LDA PF0Data STA PF0Data2 LDA PF1Data STA PF1Data2 LDA PF2Data STA PF2Data2 LDA RLEXORing STA RLEXORing2 LDA PFDirection1 AND #$0F STA PFDirection ; read joystick 1 LDA SWCHA AND #J0_Right BNE Move1Left LDA #$80 ORA PFDirection STA PFDirection JMP CheckVertical1 Move1Left: LDA SWCHA AND #J0_Left BNE CheckVertical1 LDA #$40 ORA PFDirection STA PFDirection CheckVertical1: LDA CurrentFrame AND #$07 BNE SetUpAnimate1 Move1Up: LDA SWCHA AND #J0_Up BNE Move1Down LDA PFDirection TAY LDA PFDirection AND #$F0 STA PFDirection INY TYA AND #$0F ORA PFDirection STA PFDirection JMP SetUpAnimate1 Move1Down: LDA SWCHA AND #J0_Down BNE SetUpAnimate1 LDA PFDirection TAY LDA PFDirection AND #$F0 STA PFDirection DEY TYA AND #$0F ORA PFDirection STA PFDirection SetUpAnimate1: ; animate player 1 playfield ; LDA CurrentFrame ; EOR #$FF ; STA PFDirection LDA PF0Data1 STA PF0Data LDA PF1Data1 STA PF1Data LDA PF2Data1 STA PF2Data LDA RLEXORing1 STA RLEXORing JSR GetRLEData JSR Animate LDA PF0Data STA PF0Data1 STA PF0 LDA PF1Data STA PF1Data1 STA PF1 LDA PF2Data STA PF2Data1 STA PF2 LDA RLEXORing STA RLEXORing1 LDA PFDirection STA PFDirection1 ; and waste the rest of the lines - not that there are any right now due to bad coding.... Wastage: LDY #$0a SkipLine: STA WSYNC DEY BNE SkipLine RTS ; GetXORData GetXORData: ; to be made less stupid later LDY #$27 XORLoop: LDA XORData,Y STA CurrentXORData,Y DEY BNE XORLoop LDA XORData,Y STA CurrentXORData,Y RTS ; GetRLEData - to replace GetXORData GetRLEData: LDA PFDirection ASL ASL ASL ASL AND #$70 STA RLEPtr LDY #$00 LDA RLEXORing BEQ RLELoop LDA #$00 STA RLEXORing LDA PF0Data EOR #$FF AND #$F0 STA PF0Data LDA PF1Data EOR #$FF STA PF1Data LDA PF2Data EOR #$FF STA PF2Data ; the following is a kludge, should not be in final code LDA PF0Data2 EOR #$FF AND #$F0 STA PF0Data2 LDA PF1Data2 EOR #$FF STA PF1Data2 LDA PF2Data2 EOR #$FF STA PF2Data2 RLELoop: LDX #$00 LDA (RLEPtr,X) AND #$7F BEQ RLEDone TAX RLESubLoop: DEX BEQ RLESubDone LDA #$00 STA CurrentXORData,Y INY JMP RLESubLoop RLESubDone: LDA #$FF STA CurrentXORData,Y INY INC RLEPtr JMP RLELoop RLEDone: LDX #$00 LDA (RLEPtr,X) AND #$80 BEQ RLEExit LDA #$01 STA RLEXORing LDA PF0Data EOR #$FF AND #$F0 STA PF0Data LDA PF1Data EOR #$FF STA PF1Data LDA PF2Data EOR #$FF STA PF2Data ; the following is a kludge, should not be in final code LDA PF0Data2 EOR #$FF AND #$F0 STA PF0Data2 LDA PF1Data2 EOR #$FF STA PF1Data2 LDA PF2Data2 EOR #$FF STA PF2Data2 RLEExit: RTS ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Data ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ORG $FE00 PFData: .byte $f0,$83,$07 ; we'll get fancier later ORG $FE80 XORData: ; frame 1 .byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 .byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$FF .byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$FF .byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$FF,$00,$00,$FF .byte $00,$00,$FF,$00,$FF,$00,$FF,$FF ORG $FF00 RLEData: ; frame 1 .byte $10,$09,$05,$03,$03,$02,$02,$01 .byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 ; frame 2 .byte $0d,$09,$07,$04,$03,$03,$02,$01 .byte $80,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 ; frame 3 .byte $09,$0a,$08,$04,$04,$03,$02,$01 .byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 ; frame 4 .byte $04,$0d,$09,$04,$04,$03,$02,$01 .byte $80,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 ; frame 5 .byte $10,$09,$05,$03,$03,$02,$02,$01 .byte $80,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 ; frame 6 .byte $0d,$09,$07,$04,$03,$03,$02,$01 .byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 ; frame 7 .byte $09,$0a,$08,$04,$04,$03,$02,$01 .byte $80,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 ; frame 8 .byte $04,$0d,$09,$04,$04,$03,$02,$01 .byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 ; x = each byte in above table ; write x-1 00's into xor table ; then write an FF ; repeat until X && 7f = 0 ; then if bit 7 is set ; set a "start off xored" bit yet to be defined ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Vectors ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ORG $FFFC Reset .word Init2600 IRQ .word Init2600 ; END ; notes to self ; divide screen into regions ; first - player 1 sky/goalposts/ball/earth (outside playfield) ; second - player 1 playfield - regions 1 plus 2 = about 80 scanlines ; third - few lines of VBLANK if necessary to set up score display ; fourth - score display (using asymmetric playfield graphics) - probably 24 lines ; fifth - few more lines of VBLANK if necessary for player 2 ; sixth - player 2 sky etc. ; seventh - player 2 playfield - regions 6 plus 7 = about 80 scanlines ; simulating a horizon ; make eight possible views like Boing but instead of sprites the views determine ; which scanlines to do the XOR on ; may have to use 40 bytes and just say that's how many lines we can draw each playfield in ; so at each scanline we do LDA PFData then EOR XORData,X then STA PFData ; for each of the three playfields (with the usual AND for PF0) ; load player 2's view in the vblank after the score display ; probably need variables indicating where to switch from sky to playfield ; or even sky to goalposts ; and where are we drawing players in all of this.... hmm
Description: Binary data
kudla@xxxxxxxxx ... ... Rob
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