Re: [stella] illegal 6502

Subject: Re: [stella] illegal 6502
From: wizard <wizard@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 12 Feb 2001 09:23:35 -0600
6502 Opcodes and Quasi-Opcodes.

  The following table lists all of the available opcodes on the 65xx line of 
micro-processors (such as the 6510 on the C=64 and the 8502 on the C=128)

Std Mnemonic Hex Value Description                Addressing Mode  Bytes/Time 
*   BRK      $00       Stack <- PC, PC <- ($fffe) (Immediate)      1/7
*   ORA      $01       A <- (A) V M               (Ind,X)          6/2
    JAM      $02       [locks up machine]         (Implied)        1/-
    SLO      $03       M <- (M >> 1) + A + C      (Ind,X)          2/8
    NOP      $04       [no operation]             (Z-Page)         2/3
*   ORA      $05       A <- (A) V M               (Z-Page)         2/3
*   ASL      $06       C <- A7, A <- (A) << 1     (Z-Page)         2/5
    SLO      $07       M <- (M >> 1) + A + C      (Z-Page)         2/5
*   PHP      $08       Stack <- (P)               (Implied)        1/3
*   ORA      $09       A <- (A) V M               (Immediate)      2/2
*   ASL      $0A       C <- A7, A <- (A) << 1     (Accumalator)    1/2
    ANC      $0B       A <- A /\ M, C=~A7         (Immediate)      1/2
    NOP      $0C       [no operation]             (Absolute)       3/4
*   ORA      $0D       A <- (A) V M               (Absolute)       3/4
*   ASL      $0E       C <- A7, A <- (A) << 1     (Absolute)       3/6
    SLO      $0F       M <- (M >> 1) + A + C      (Absolute)       3/6
*   BPL      $10       if N=0, PC = PC + offset   (Relative)       2/2'2
*   ORA      $11       A <- (A) V M               ((Ind),Y)        2/5'1
    JAM      $12       [locks up machine]         (Implied)        1/-
    SLO      $13       M <- (M >. 1) + A + C      ((Ind),Y)        2/8'5
    NOP      $14       [no operation]             (Z-Page,X)       2/4
*   ORA      $15       A <- (A) V M               (Z-Page,X)       2/4
*   ASL      $16       C <- A7, A <- (A) << 1     (Z-Page,X)       2/6
    SLO      $17       M <- (M >> 1) + A + C      (Z-Page,X)       2/6
*   CLC      $18       C <- 0                     (Implied)        1/2
*   ORA      $19       A <- (A) V M               (Absolute,Y)     3/4'1
    NOP      $1A       [no operation]             (Implied)        1/2
    SLO      $1B       M <- (M >> 1) + A + C      (Absolute,Y)     3/7
    NOP      $1C       [no operation]             (Absolute,X)     2/4'1
*   ORA      $1D       A <- (A) V M               (Absolute,X)     3/4'1
*   ASL      $1E       C <- A7, A <- (A) << 1     (Absolute,X)     3/7
    SLO      $1F       M <- (M >> 1) + A + C      (Absolute,X)     3/7
*   JSR      $20       Stack <- PC, PC <- Address (Absolute)       3/6
*   AND      $21       A <- (A) /\ M              (Ind,X)          2/6
    JAM      $22       [locks up machine]         (Implied)        1/-
    RLA      $23       M <- (M << 1) /\ (A)       (Ind,X)          2/8
*   BIT      $24       Z <- ~(A /\ M) N<-M7 V<-M6 (Z-Page)         2/3 
*   AND      $25       A <- (A) /\ M              (Z-Page)         2/3
*   ROL      $26       C <- A7 & A <- A << 1 + C  (Z-Page)         2/5
    RLA      $27       M <- (M << 1) /\ (A)       (Z-Page)         2/5'5
*   PLP      $28       A <- (Stack)               (Implied)        1/4
*   AND      $29       A <- (A) /\ M              (Immediate)      2/2
*   ROL      $2A       C <- A7 & A <- A << 1 + C  (Accumalator)    1/2
    ANC      $2B       A <- A /\ M, C <- ~A7      (Immediate9      1/2     
*   BIT      $2C       Z <- ~(A /\ M) N<-M7 V<-M6 (Absolute)       3/4
*   AND      $2D       A <- (A) /\ M              (Absolute)       3/4
*   ROL      $2E       C <- A7 & A <- A << 1 + C  (Absolute)       3/6
    RLA      $2F       M <- (M << 1) /\ (A)       (Absolute)       3/6'5
*   BMI      $30       if N=1, PC = PC + offset   (Relative)       2/2'2
*   AND      $31       A <- (A) /\ M              ((Ind),Y)        2/5'1
    JAM      $32       [locks up machine]         (Implied)        1/-
    RLA      $33       M <- (M << 1) /\ (A)       ((Ind),Y)        2/8'5
    NOP      $34       [no operation]             (Z-Page,X)       2/4
*   AND      $35       A <- (A) /\ M              (Z-Page,X)       2/4
*   ROL      $36       C <- A7 & A <- A << 1 + C  (Z-Page,X)       2/6
    RLA      $37       M <- (M << 1) /\ (A)       (Z-Page,X)       2/6'5
*   SEC      $38       C <- 1                     (Implied)        1/2
*   AND      $39       A <- (A) /\ M              (Absolute,Y)     3/4'1
    NOP      $3A       [no operation]             (Implied)        1/2
    RLA      $3B       M <- (M << 1) /\ (A)       (Absolute,Y)     3/7'5
    NOP      $3C       [no operation]             (Absolute,X)     3/4'1
*   AND      $3D       A <- (A) /\ M              (Absolute,X)     3/4'1
*   ROL      $3E       C <- A7 & A <- A << 1 + C  (Absolute,X)     3/7
    RLA      $3F       M <- (M << 1) /\ (A)       (Absolute,X)     3/7'5
*   RTI      $40       P <- (Stack), PC <-(Stack) (Implied)        1/6
*   EOR      $41       A <- (A) \-/ M             (Ind,X)          2/6
    JAM      $42       [locks up machine]         (Implied)        1/-
    SRE      $43       M <- (M >> 1) \-/ A        (Ind,X)          2/8  
    NOP      $44       [no operation]             (Z-Page)         2/3
*   EOR      $45       A <- (A) \-/ M             (Z-Page)         2/3
*   LSR      $46       C <- A0, A <- (A) >> 1     (Absolute,X)     3/7 
    SRE      $47       M <- (M >> 1) \-/ A        (Z-Page)         2/5
*   PHA      $48       Stack <- (A)               (Implied)        1/3
*   EOR      $49       A <- (A) \-/ M             (Immediate)      2/2
*   LSR      $4A       C <- A0, A <- (A) >> 1     (Accumalator)    1/2
    ASR      $4B       A <- [(A /\ M) >> 1]       (Immediate)      1/2
*   JMP      $4C       PC <- Address              (Absolute)       3/3
*   EOR      $4D       A <- (A) \-/ M             (Absolute)       3/4
*   LSR      $4E       C <- A0, A <- (A) >> 1     (Absolute)       3/6
    SRE      $4F       M <- (M >> 1) \-/ A        (Absolute)       3/6
*   BVC      $50       if V=0, PC = PC + offset   (Relative)       2/2'2
*   EOR      $51       A <- (A) \-/ M             ((Ind),Y)        2/5'1
    JAM      $52       [locks up machine]         (Implied)        1/-
    SRE      $53       M <- (M >> 1) \-/ A        ((Ind),Y)        2/8
    NOP      $54       [no operation]             (Z-Page,X)       2/4
*   EOR      $55       A <- (A) \-/ M             (Z-Page,X)       2/4
*   LSR      $56       C <- A0, A <- (A) >> 1     (Z-Page,X)       2/6
    SRE      $57       M <- (M >> 1) \-/ A        (Z-Page,X)       2/6
*   CLI      $58       I <- 0                     (Implied)        1/2
*   EOR      $59       A <- (A) \-/ M             (Absolute,Y)     3/4'1
    NOP      $5A       [no operation]             (Implied)        1/2 
    SRE      $5B       M <- (M >> 1) \-/ A        (Absolute,Y)     3/7
    NOP      $5C       [no operation]             (Absolute,X)     3/4'1
*   EOR      $5D       A <- (A) \-/ M             (Absolute,X)     3/4'1
    SRE      $5F       M <- (M >> 1) \-/ A        (Absolute,X)     3/7
*   RTS      $60       PC <- (Stack)              (Implied)        1/6
*   ADC      $61       A <- (A) + M + C           (Ind,X)          2/6
    JAM      $62       [locks up machine]         (Implied)        1/-
    RRA      $63       M <- (M >> 1) + (A) + C    (Ind,X)          2/8'5
    NOP      $64       [no operation]             (Z-Page)         2/3
*   ADC      $65       A <- (A) + M + C           (Z-Page)         2/3
*   ROR      $66       C<-A0 & A<- (A7=C + A>>1)  (Z-Page)         2/5
    RRA      $67       M <- (M >> 1) + (A) + C    (Z-Page)         2/5'5
*   PLA      $68       A <- (Stack)               (Implied)        1/4
*   ADC      $69       A <- (A) + M + C           (Immediate)      2/2
*   ROR      $6A       C<-A0 & A<- (A7=C + A>>1)  (Accumalator)    1/2
    ARR      $6B       A <- [(A /\ M) >> 1]       (Immediate)      1/2'5
*   JMP      $6C       PC <- Address              (Indirect)       3/5
*   ADC      $6D       A <- (A) + M + C           (Absolute)       3/4
*   ROR      $6E       C<-A0 & A<- (A7=C + A>>1)  (Absolute)       3/6 
    RRA      $6F       M <- (M >> 1) + (A) + C    (Absolute)       3/6'5
*   BVS      $70       if V=1, PC = PC + offset   (Relative)       2/2'2
*   ADC      $71       A <- (A) + M + C           ((Ind),Y)        2/5'1
    JAM      $72       [locks up machine]         (Implied)        1/-
    RRA      $73       M <- (M >> 1) + (A) + C    ((Ind),Y)        2/8'5
    NOP      $74       [no operation]             (Z-Page,X)       2/4
*   ADC      $75       A <- (A) + M + C           (Z-Page,X)       2/4
*   ROR      $76       C<-A0 & A<- (A7=C + A>>1)  (Z-Page,X)       2/6
    RRA      $77       M <- (M >> 1) + (A) + C    (Z-Page,X)       2/6'5
*   SEI      $78       I <- 1                     (Implied)        1/2
*   ADC      $79       A <- (A) + M + C           (Absolute,Y)     3/4'1
    NOP      $7A       [no operation]             (Implied)        1/2
    RRA      $7B       M <- (M >> 1) + (A) + C    (Absolute,Y)     3/7'5
    NOP      $7C       [no operation]             (Absolute,X)     3/4'1
*   ADC      $7D       A <- (A) + M + C           (Absolute,X)     3/4'1
*   ROR      $7E       C<-A0 & A<- (A7=C + A>>1)  (Absolute,X)     3/7
    RRA      $7F       M <- (M >> 1) + (A) + C    (Absolute,X)     3/7'5 
    NOP      $80       [no operation]             (Immediate)      2/2
*   STA      $81       M <- (A)                   (Ind,X)          2/6
    NOP      $82       [no operation]             (Immediate)      2/2
    SAX      $83       M <- (A) /\ (X)            (Ind,X)          2/6
*   STY      $84       M <- (Y)                   (Z-Page)         2/3
*   STA      $85       M <- (A)                   (Z-Page)         2/3
*   STX      $86       M <- (X)                   (Z-Page)         2/3
    SAX      $87       M <- (A) /\ (X)            (Z-Page)         2/3 
*   DEY      $88       Y <- (Y) - 1               (Implied)        1/2
    NOP      $89       [no operation]             (Immediate)      2/2
*   TXA      $8A       A <- (X)                   (Implied)        1/2
    ANE      $8B       M <-[(A)\/$EE] /\ (X)/\(M) (Immediate)      2/2^4
*   STY      $8C       M <- (Y)                   (Absolute)       3/4
*   STA      $8D       M <- (A)                   (Absolute)       3/4
*   STX      $8E       M <- (X)                   (Absolute)       3/4 
    SAX      $8F       M <- (A) /\ (X)            (Absolute)       3/4
*   BCC      $90       if C=0, PC = PC + offset   (Relative)       2/2'2
*   STA      $91       M <- (A)                   ((Ind),Y)        2/6
    JAM      $92       [locks up machine]         (Implied)        1/-
    SHA      $93       M <- (A) /\ (X) /\ (PCH+1) (Absolute,X)     3/6'3
*   STY      $94       M <- (Y)                   (Z-Page,X)       2/4
*   STA      $95       M <- (A)                   (Z-Page,X)       2/4
    SAX      $97       M <- (A) /\ (X)            (Z-Page,Y)       2/4
*   STX      $96       M <- (X)                   (Z-Page,Y)       2/4
*   TYA      $98       A <- (Y)                   (Implied)        1/2
*   STA      $99       M <- (A)                   (Absolute,Y)     3/5
*   TXS      $9A       S <- (X)                   (Implied)        1/2
    SHS      $9B       X <- (A) /\ (X), S <- (X)  (Absolute,Y)     3/5
                       M <- (X) /\ (PCH+1)      
    SHY      $9C       M <- (Y) /\ (PCH+1)        (Absolute,Y)     3/5'3
*   STA      $9D       M <- (A)                   (Absolute,X)     3/5
    SHX      $9E       M <- (X) /\ (PCH+1)        (Absolute,X)     3/5'3
    SHA      $9F       M <- (A) /\ (X) /\ (PCH+1) (Absolute,Y)     3/5'3
*   LDY      $A0       Y <- M                     (Immediate)      2/2
*   LDA      $A1       A <- M                     (Ind,X)          2/6
*   LDX      $A2       X <- M                     (Immediate)      2/2
    LAX      $A3       A <- M, X <- M             (Ind,X)          2/6
*   LDY      $A4       Y <- M                     (Z-Page)         2/3
*   LDA      $A5       A <- M                     (Z-Page)         2/3
*   LDX      $A6       X <- M                     (Z-Page)         2/3
    LAX      $A7       A <- M, X <- M             (Z-Page)         2/3
*   TAY      $A8       Y <- (A)                   (Implied)        1/2
*   LDA      $A9       A <- M                     (Immediate)      2/2
*   TAX      $AA       X <- (A)                   (Implied)        1/2
    LXA      $AB       X04 <- (X04) /\ M04        (Immediate)      1/2
                       A04 <- (A04) /\ M04
*   LDY      $AC       Y <- M                     (Absolute)       3/4
*   LDA      $AD       A <- M                     (Absolute)       3/4
*   LDX      $AE       X <- M                     (Absolute)       3/4
    LAX      $AF       A <- M, X <- M             (Absolute)       3/4
*   BCS      $B0       if C=1, PC = PC + offset   (Relative)       2/2'2
*   LDA      $B1       A <- M                     ((Ind),Y)        2/5'1
    JAM      $B2       [locks up machine]         (Implied)        1/-
    LAX      $B3       A <- M, X <- M             ((Ind),Y)        2/5'1
*   LDY      $B4       Y <- M                     (Z-Page,X)       2/4
*   LDA      $B5       A <- M                     (Z-Page,X)       2/4
*   LDX      $B6       X <- M                     (Z-Page,Y)       2/4
    LAX      $B7       A <- M, X <- M             (Z-Page,Y)       2/4
*   CLV      $B8       V <- 0                     (Implied)        1/2
*   LDA      $B9       A <- M                     (Absolute,Y)     3/4'1
*   TSX      $BA       X <- (S)                   (Implied)        1/2
    LAE      $BB       X,S,A <- (S /\ M)          (Absolute,Y)     3/4'1
*   LDY      $BC       Y <- M                     (Absolute,X)     3/4'1
*   LDA      $BD       A <- M                     (Absolute,X)     3/4'1
*   LDX      $BE       X <- M                     (Absolute,Y)     3/4'1
    LAX      $BF       A <- M, X <- M             (Absolute,Y)     3/4'1
*   CPY      $C0       (Y - M) -> NZC             (Immediate)      2/2
*   CMP      $C1       (A - M) -> NZC             (Ind,X)          2/6
    NOP      $C2       [no operation]             (Immediate)      2/2
    DCP      $C3       M <- (M)-1, (A-M) -> NZC   (Ind,X)          2/8
*   CPY      $C4       (Y - M) -> NZC             (Z-Page)         2/3
*   CMP      $C5       (A - M) -> NZC             (Z-Page)         2/3
*   DEC      $C6       M <- (M) - 1               (Z-Page)         2/5
    DCP      $C7       M <- (M)-1, (A-M) -> NZC   (Z-Page)         2/5
*   INY      $C8       Y <- (Y) + 1               (Implied)        1/2
*   CMP      $C9       (A - M) -> NZC             (Immediate)      2/2
*   DEX      $CA       X <- (X) - 1               (Implied)        1/2
    SBX      $CB       X <- (X)/\(A) - M          (Immediate)      2/2
*   CPY      $CC       (Y - M) -> NZC             (Absolute)       3/4
*   CMP      $CD       (A - M) -> NZC             (Absolute)       3/4
*   DEC      $CE       M <- (M) - 1               (Absolute)       3/6
    DCP      $CF       M <- (M)-1, (A-M) -> NZC   (Absolute)       3/6
*   BNE      $D0       if Z=0, PC = PC + offset   (Relative)       2/2'2
*   CMP      $D1       (A - M) -> NZC             ((Ind),Y)        2/5'1
    JAM      $D2       [locks up machine]         (Implied)        1/-
    DCP      $D3       M <- (M)-1, (A-M) -> NZC   ((Ind),Y)        2/8
    NOP      $D4       [no operation]             (Z-Page,X)       2/4
*   CMP      $D5       (A - M) -> NZC             (Z-Page,X)       2/4
*   DEC      $D6       M <- (M) - 1               (Z-Page,X)       2/6
    DCP      $D7       M <- (M)-1, (A-M) -> NZC   (Z-Page,X)       2/6
*   CLD      $D8       D <- 0                     (Implied)        1/2
*   CMP      $D9       (A - M) -> NZC             (Absolute,Y)     3/4'1
    NOP      $DA       [no operation]             (Implied)        1/2 
    DCP      $DB       M <- (M)-1, (A-M) -> NZC   (Absolute,Y)     3/7
    NOP      $DC       [no operation]             (Absolute,X)     3/4'1
*   CMP      $DD       (A - M) -> NZC             (Absolute,X)     3/4'1
*   DEC      $DE       M <- (M) - 1               (Absolute,X)     3/7
    DCP      $DF       M <- (M)-1, (A-M) -> NZC   (Absolute,X)     3/7
*   CPX      $E0       (X - M) -> NZC             (Immediate)      2/2
*   SBC      $E1       A <- (A) - M - ~C          (Ind,X)          2/6
    NOP      $E2       [no operation]             (Immediate)      2/2
    ISB      $E3       M <- (M) - 1,A <- (A)-M-~C (Ind,X)          3/8'1
*   CPX      $E4       (X - M) -> NZC             (Z-Page)         2/3
*   SBC      $E5       A <- (A) - M - ~C          (Z-Page)         2/3
*   INC      $E6       M <- (M) + 1               (Z-Page)         2/5
    ISB      $E7       M <- (M) - 1,A <- (A)-M-~C (Z-Page)         2/5  
*   INX      $E8       X <- (X) +1                (Implied)        1/2
*   SBC      $E9       A <- (A) - M - ~C          (Immediate)      2/2
*   NOP      $EA       [no operation]             (Implied)        1/2
    SBC      $EB       A <- (A) - M - ~C          (Immediate)      1/2
*   SBC      $ED       A <- (A) - M - ~C          (Absolute)       3/4
*   CPX      $EC       (X - M) -> NZC             (Absolute)       3/4
*   INC      $EE       M <- (M) + 1               (Absolute)       3/6
    ISB      $EF       M <- (M) - 1,A <- (A)-M-~C (Absolute)       3/6
*   BEQ      $F0       if Z=1, PC = PC + offset   (Relative)       2/2'2
*   SBC      $F1       A <- (A) - M - ~C          ((Ind),Y)        2/5'1
    JAM      $F2       [locks up machine]         (Implied)        1/-
    ISB      $F3       M <- (M) - 1,A <- (A)-M-~C ((Ind),Y)        2/8
    NOP      $F4       [no operation]             (Z-Page,X)       2/4
*   SBC      $F5       A <- (A) - M - ~C          (Z-Page,X)       2/4
*   INC      $F6       M <- (M) + 1               (Z-Page,X)       2/6
    ISB      $F7       M <- (M) - 1,A <- (A)-M-~C (Z-Page,X)       2/6
*   SED      $F8       D <- 1                     (Implied)        1/2
*   SBC      $F9       A <- (A) - M - ~C          (Absolute,Y)     3/4'1
    NOP      $FA       [no operation]             (Implied)        1/2
    ISB      $FB       M <- (M) - 1,A <- (A)-M-~C (Absolute,Y)     3/7
    NOP      $FC       [no operation]             (Absolute,X)     3/4'1
*   SBC      $FD       A <- (A) - M - ~C          (Absolute,X)     3/4'1
*   INC      $FE       M <- (M) + 1               (Absolute,X)     3/7
    ISB      $FF       M <- (M) - 1,A <- (A)-M-~C (Absolute,X)     3/7

'1 - Add one if address crosses a page boundry.
'2 - Add 1 if branch succeeds, or 2 if into another page.
'3 - If page boundry crossed then PCH+1 is just PCH
'4 - Sources disputed on exact operation, or sometimes does not work.
'5 - Full eight bit rotation (with carry)

  Programming the 6502, Rodney Zaks, (c) 1983 Sybex
  Paul Ojala, Post to Comp.Sys.Cbm (po87553@xxxxxxxxx / albert@xxxxxxxxx)
  D John Mckenna, Post to Comp.Sys.Cbm (gudjm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)

Compiled by Craig Taylor (duck@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)

AD> I was figuring, if one is going to go down the illegal opcode path... then
AD> why not go the whole hog.  A search of the 'net has failed to dredge up the
AD> info I need, and I'm hoping somebody on the list can help out.  I recall
AD> many years ago two illegal 6502 instructions I'm hoping are available for
AD> the 2600... those were XXY and one I can't remember the mnemonic of.  XXY
AD> simply exchanged X and Y registers... handy!  The other swapped nibbles on
AD> the accumulator... VERY handy.
AD> That is, given a byte $AB, after that instruction you would have $BA.
AD> Hoping somebody can help (or be bothered trying to find the instructions!!)
AD> Cheers

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