Subject: Re: [stella] Gunfight 2600: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly From: Manuel Polik <manuel.polik@xxxxxxxxxxx> Date: Wed, 28 Feb 2001 13:50:43 +0100 |
Gonzalo wrote: > > Please comment on demo, how do you like what you see? Already any > > suggestions? > I think is great! But the previous demo show the hair of the cowboy when he > walk up... that was cool, I'd like to see it again... Done. I thought it was impossible to reinstall that with an elegant way within an 8-way moevent scheme, but at least I found one - at the cost of two RAM bytes. Check the 'hairBuffer' :-) > I'm following your code from the beginning, is a good way to learn... so I'm > waiting for the new code... Ok, here we go. Sorry for the almost complete lack of any comments. I'll comment/explain any part on request. As special feature, this version shows the second cowboy with the hat already shot of, so you see I wasn't just kidding on that feature :-) Greetings, Manuel
Description: Binary data
processor 6502 include vcs.h SCREENSTART = $60 SEG.U vars org $80 horPosP0 ds 1 ; Horizontal position player 0 horPosP1 ds 1 ; Horizontal position player 1 horPosM0 ds 1 ; Horizontal position missile 0 horPosM1 ds 1 ; Horizontal position missile 1 horPosBL ds 1 ; Horizontal position ball verPosP0 ds 1 ; Vertical position player 0 verPosP1 ds 1 ; Vertical position player 1 verPosM0 ds 1 ; Vertical position missile 0 verPosM1 ds 1 ; Vertical position missile 1 verPosBL ds 1 ; Vertical position ball colorBuffer ds 2 ; Buffer player colors temporary hairBuffer ds 2 ; Buffer player haircolor permanent playerShapePtr00 ds 2 ; Pointer to current player 0 shape in the ROM playerShapePtr01 ds 2 ; Pointer to current player 1 shape in the ROM animCounter ds 2 ; Simple frameCounters, one for each player playerMovement ds 2 ; backup the Joystick readings for each player playerShape00 ds 11 ; Player 0 shape complete in the RAM playerShape01 ds 11 ; Player 1 shape complete in the RAM colorShape00 ds 11 ; Player 0 colors complete in the RAM colorShape01 ds 11 ; Player 1 colors complete in the RAM SEG code org $F000 start SEI CLD LDX #$FF TXS LDA #$00 zero STA $00,X ;zero out the machine DEX BNE zero LDA #$30 ;set up the starting vertical position of sprite STA verPosP0 STA verPosP1 LDA #$25 STA verPosM0 STA verPosM1 STA verPosBL LDA #$18 STA horPosP0 LDA #$90 STA horPosP1 LDA #$1C STA COLUBK LDA #<cbup00 sta playerShapePtr00 sta playerShapePtr01 LDA #>cbup00 sta playerShapePtr00+1 sta playerShapePtr01+1 LDA #$3C STA hairBuffer STA hairBuffer+1 LDX #$0A ResetPlayers LDA cbup00,X STA playerShape00,X STA playerShape01,X LDA colordata,X STA colorShape00,X LDA colordata2,X STA colorShape01,X DEX BPL ResetPlayers LDA menwithouthats STA playerShape01+9 LDA menwithouthats+1 STA playerShape01+10 LDA #$F4 STA colorShape01+9 MainLoop JSR VerticalSync ; JSR VerticalBlank ; JMP MainScreen ; MainScreen does Overscan VerticalSync LDA #$02 ; STA WSYNC ; Finish current line STA VSYNC ; start vertical sync LDA #$03 ; STA TIM64T ; JMP WaitIntimReady ; finish vertical sync VerticalBlank STA WSYNC ; Finish current line STA VSYNC ; Stop vertical sync LDA #$2B ; STA TIM64T ; Init timer ; Position all objects LDY #$04 PosAnother ldx horPosP0,Y ; JSR PosPlayer DEY BPL PosAnother STA WSYNC ; Finish current line STA HMOVE LDY #SCREENSTART ; Init display Kernel LDA #$02 LDA $F0 INC horPosBL INC horPosM0 INC horPosM0 INC horPosM1 INC horPosM1 INC horPosM1 LDA #$01 STA VDELP0 WaitIntimReady LDA INTIM ; finish vertical blank BNE WaitIntimReady ; RTS Waste STA WSYNC ; Waste a line DEX ; BNE Waste ; if X is not zero, do more lines RTS SkipDraw NOP SEC LDA VSYNC LDA #$00 BEQ Continue SkipDraw2 NOP SEC LDA VSYNC LDA #$00 BEQ Continue2 MainScreen STA WSYNC ; Finish current line STA VBLANK ; Stop vertical blank NextLine LDX #$1F TXS TYA STA WSYNC CPY verPosBL PHP CPY verPosM1 PHP CPY verPosM0 PHP SEC SBC verPosP0 ; ADC #$0B BCC SkipDraw TAX LDA colorShape00,X STA colorBuffer LDA playerShape00,X ; Continue STA GRP0 TYA SBC verPosP1 ; ADC #$0B BCC SkipDraw2 TAX LDA colorShape01,X STA colorBuffer+1 LDA playerShape01,X ; Continue2 LDX colorBuffer NOP NOP STA WSYNC STA GRP1 STX COLUP0 LDA colorBuffer+1 STA COLUP1 NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP DEY BNE NextLine LDX #$FF TXS STA WSYNC LDA #$02 ; STA VBLANK ; Start vertical blank JSR joy ; Read the joysticks. LDX #$01 AnimPlayer LDA playerMovement,X EOR #$FF AND #$0F BEQ NoAnim LDY #$3C ; Assume No Hair CMP #$01 BNE HairsOk LDY haircolors,X ; Load Hair HairsOk STY hairBuffer,X ASL ASL STA playerMovement,X INC animCounter,X LDA animCounter,X AND #$18 LSR LSR LSR ADC playerMovement,X TAY TXA ASL TAX LDA cowboyWalk,Y STA playerShapePtr00,X TXA LSR TAX NoAnim DEX BPL AnimPlayer LDA hairBuffer STA colorShape00+8 LDA hairBuffer+1 STA colorShape01+8 LDY #$06 AnimateCowboys LDA (playerShapePtr01),Y STA playerShape01,Y LDA (playerShapePtr00),Y STA playerShape00,Y DEY BPL AnimateCowboys LDX #$1E JSR Waste JMP MainLoop ; Repeat joy LDA SWCHA LDX #$01 JoyPlayer2 STA playerMovement,X LSR TAY BCC up UpDone TYA LSR TAY BCC down DownDone TYA LSR TAY BCC left LeftDone TYA LSR TAY BCC right RightDone TYA DEX BPL JoyPlayer2 RTS right INC horPosP0,X LDA horPosP0,X CMP rightrestriction,X BNE HorPosOK DEC horPosP0,X LDA playerMovement,X ORA #$08 STA playerMovement,X HorPosOK LDA #$00 STA REFP0,X JMP RightDone left DEC horPosP0,X LDA horPosP0,X CMP leftrestriction,X BNE HorPosOK2 INC horPosP0,X LDA playerMovement,X ORA #$04 STA playerMovement,X HorPosOK2 LDA #$08 STA REFP0,X JMP LeftDone up INC verPosP0,X LDA verPosP0,X CMP #SCREENSTART-1 BNE VerPosOk DEC verPosP0,X LDA playerMovement,X ORA #$01 STA playerMovement,X VerPosOk JMP UpDone down DEC verPosP0,X LDA verPosP0,X CMP #$0D BNE VerPosOk2 INC verPosP0,X LDA playerMovement,X ORA #$02 STA playerMovement,X VerPosOk2 JMP DownDone PosPlayer sta WSYNC ;begin scanline lda HorzTable,X ;+4 7 sta HMP0,Y ;+3 10 and #$0F ;+2 12 tax ;+2 14 P0 dex ;+2 16 bpl P0 ; sta RESP0,Y ; rts cowboyWalk .byte #<cbup01,#<cbup00,#<cbup01,#<cbup02 ; DummyLine .byte #<cbup01,#<cbup00,#<cbup01,#<cbup02 ; Up .byte #<cbup01,#<cbup00,#<cbup01,#<cbup02 ; Down .byte #<cbup01,#<cbup00,#<cbup01,#<cbup02 ; DummyLine .byte #<cblt01,#<cblt00,#<cblt01,#<cblt02 ; Left .byte #<cblu01,#<cblu00,#<cblu01,#<cblu02 ; Left-Up .byte #<cbld01,#<cbld00,#<cbld01,#<cbld02 ; Left-Down .byte #<cbup01,#<cbup00,#<cbup01,#<cbup02 ; DummyLine .byte #<cblt01,#<cblt00,#<cblt01,#<cblt02 ; Right .byte #<cblu01,#<cblu00,#<cblu01,#<cblu02 ; Right-Up .byte #<cbld01,#<cbld00,#<cbld01,#<cbld02 ; Right-Down cbup00 .byte %00001100 .byte %01101100 .byte %01101100 .byte %00111000 .byte %00111010 .byte %10111010 .byte %01111100 .byte %00010000 .byte %00111000 .byte %01111100 .byte %00111000 menwithouthats .byte %00111000 .byte %00000000 cbup01 .byte %01101100 .byte %01101100 .byte %01101100 .byte %00111000 .byte %10111010 .byte %10111010 .byte %01111100 cbup02 .byte %01100000 .byte %01101100 .byte %01101100 .byte %00111000 .byte %10111000 .byte %10111010 .byte %01111100 cbup03 .byte %01101100 .byte %01101100 .byte %01101100 .byte %00111000 .byte %10111001 .byte %10111010 .byte %01111100 cbup04 .byte %01101100 .byte %01101100 .byte %01101100 .byte %00111000 .byte %10111000 .byte %10111110 .byte %01111010 cblt00 .byte %11000011 .byte %11000110 .byte %01101100 .byte %00111000 .byte %10111000 .byte %10111110 .byte %01111000 cblt01 .byte %00111100 .byte %00111000 .byte %00111000 .byte %00111000 .byte %01111000 .byte %01111000 .byte %00111000 cblt02 .byte %11000011 .byte %11000110 .byte %01101100 .byte %00111000 .byte %01111000 .byte %00111100 .byte %00111000 cblt03 .byte %00111100 .byte %00111000 .byte %00111000 .byte %00111000 .byte %00111100 .byte %00111111 .byte %00111000 cbld00 .byte %11001100 .byte %11001110 .byte %01101100 .byte %00111000 .byte %01111000 .byte %11111000 .byte %01111000 cbld01 .byte %01111110 .byte %01101100 .byte %01101100 .byte %00111000 .byte %10111010 .byte %11111100 .byte %01111000 cbld02 .byte %11001100 .byte %11001110 .byte %01101100 .byte %00111000 .byte %10111100 .byte %10111111 .byte %01111100 cbld03 .byte %01111110 .byte %01101100 .byte %01101100 .byte %00111000 .byte %01111010 .byte %11111100 .byte %01111000 cblu00 .byte %11001100 .byte %11001110 .byte %01101100 .byte %00111000 .byte %00111000 .byte %01111100 .byte %01111100 cblu01 .byte %01111110 .byte %01101100 .byte %01101100 .byte %00111000 .byte %11111001 .byte %11111110 .byte %01111100 cblu02 .byte %11001100 .byte %11001110 .byte %01101100 .byte %00111000 .byte %10111000 .byte %11111110 .byte %01111100 cblu03 .byte %01111110 .byte %01101100 .byte %01101100 .byte %00111000 .byte %10111000 .byte %01111110 .byte %01111101 rightrestriction .byte $99,$99 leftrestriction .byte $FF,$FF haircolors .byte $00,$F4 colordata .byte $F4 .byte $F2 .byte $F2 .byte $F0 .byte $00 .byte $00 .byte $00 .byte $3C .byte $3C .byte $15 .byte $17 colordata2 .byte $E4 .byte $E2 .byte $E2 .byte $E0 .byte $00 .byte $00 .byte $00 .byte $3C .byte $3C .byte $00 .byte $00 ORG $FF00 HorzTable ;this must not cross a page boundary .byte $30,$20,$10,$00,$F0,$E0,$D0,$C0,$B0,$A0,$90 .byte $71,$61,$51,$41,$31,$21,$11,$01,$F1,$E1,$D1,$C1,$B1,$A1,$91 .byte $72,$62,$52,$42,$32,$22,$12,$02,$F2,$E2,$D2,$C2,$B2,$A2,$92 .byte $73,$63,$53,$43,$33,$23,$13,$03,$F3,$E3,$D3,$C3,$B3,$A3,$93 .byte $74,$64,$54,$44,$34,$24,$14,$04,$F4,$E4,$D4,$C4,$B4,$A4,$94 .byte $75,$65,$55,$45,$35,$25,$15,$05,$F5,$E5,$D5,$C5,$B5,$A5,$95 .byte $76,$66,$56,$46,$36,$26,$16,$06,$F6,$E6,$D6,$C6,$B6,$A6,$96 .byte $77,$67,$57,$47,$37,$27,$17,$07,$F7,$E7,$D7,$C7,$B7,$A7,$97 .byte $78,$68,$58,$48,$38,$28,$18,$08,$F8,$E8,$D8,$C8,$B8,$A8,$98 .byte $79,$69,$59,$49,$39,$29,$19,$09,$F9,$E9,$D9,$C9,$B9,$A9,$99 .byte $7A,$6A,$5A,$4A,$3A,$2A,$1A,$0A,$FA,$EA,$DA,$CA,$BA,$AA,$9A org $FFFC .word start .word start
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