Re: [stella] Hardware Problems

Subject: Re: [stella] Hardware Problems
From: "John Saeger" <john@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 5 Dec 2002 08:22:13 -0800
Chris Wilkson wrote:
> Do you mean the tree tops or the tree trunks or both are too dark?  I.e.
> you mean something is the wrong color, or the picture needs to be
> Overall brightness is adjustable...that's not a problem.

You know, color is a hard thing to talk about.  Everybody sees things
differently, and it's hard to remember colors accurately from memory.  But
the really dark brown of the tree trunk is what struck me as being too dark.
But maybe it's actually *correct*.  I can't really compare to other ways of
looking at real hardware right now, because I don't have everything set up.
You know how it is...  But I think I want one of these things Chris.

> The ghosts are there no matter what.  There are phase shifts that are
> in the TIA.  They're color dependent, so I can't get rid of them.  :(  And
> you'll notice that they're red.  That makes it even worse, because over-
> saturated red always bleeds all over the screen.  I did have the
> turned up a bit in those shots.  It's also adjustable.

Phase shifts in the TIA.  I like the sound of that.  ;-)


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