Re: [stella] The sad story about my Atari 2600 TV format conversions

Subject: Re: [stella] The sad story about my Atari 2600 TV format conversions
From: Glenn Saunders <cybpunks2@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 09 Dec 2002 23:59:40 -0800
At 12:58 AM 12/10/2002 +0100, you wrote:
If you would do business with him right now, you will soon find
out who he is. At the moment there are 19 TV conversion on his
page. And if he removes the conversions, I feel no reasons
anymore to go against him.

Here it is:

Now, I've only had positive experiences dealing with Randy. It seems really out of character for him to act this way. I can only imagine he's doing this out of spite because the two of you got into some kind of spat over something. What happened between you two??

As for legal recourse, the bottom line is that these are hacks so you can't really claim copyright for what is 99% someone else's program. On the other hand, legally speaking, Randy shouldn't even be allowed to sell anything but homebrew originals, but Hozer Video has a long history of being actively ignored by those who might care about it.

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