Re: [stella] 60fps vs 30fps

Subject: Re: [stella] 60fps vs 30fps
From: "Andrew Davie" <adavie@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 22 Dec 2002 00:33:31 +1100
> Oops, sorry... force of habit...  Ok... I think I get it now. So what
> bizarre thing would happen then if I ran through my vsync, my vblank, my
> 192 scanlines, my overscan.... and then wasted a whole frame's worth of
> machine cycles before going back to the vsync at the top of my draw

You would then only be sending the vertical-synch at half the required rate.
This would effectively mean that you were generating a single TV-frame with
twice as many scanlines as it should have.  The probable effect would be
that your TV would have a fit and not be able to display the frame.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Aaron Bergstrom" <Aaron.Bergstrom@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <stella@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Saturday, December 21, 2002 11:37 PM
Subject: Re: [stella] 60fps vs 30fps

> Oops, sorry... force of habit...  Ok... I think I get it now. So what
> bizarre thing would happen then if I ran through my vsync, my vblank, my
> 192 scanlines, my overscan.... and then wasted a whole frame's worth of
> machine cycles before going back to the vsync at the top of my draw
> Andrew Davie wrote:
> >>Hmm... so if I were to create a 30mhz game I would simply not return to
> >>the beginning of the draw loop at the end of the overscan, but instead
> >>use an entire frame's worth of machine cylces performing game
> >>calculations before I return to the beginning of the draw loop?

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