Re: [stella] Space Treat new version

Subject: Re: [stella] Space Treat new version
From: Joe Grand <joe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 27 Dec 2002 11:35:54 -0500
At 03:38 AM 12/27/2002, Paul Slocum wrote:
I played ST a lot tonight. I really like it! Here are my suggestions:

1) I agree with Thomas that it would benefit a lot from a scoring system based on the time and maybe a few other things. Score adds a lot of depth and replay value. Doing the scoring on Marble Craze was a lot easier than I thought it would be. The only hard part was writing the score kernal, but I needed a custom two player score display, where you can just grab the standard 6 digit score routine. You could even use 2 digits to display the level and the other 4 for score.

Yeah, ST is turning out to be a very cool game :)

SCSIcide uses a 6 digit score routine (modified for hexadecimal) with the first byte (2 digits) being the level and the last 2 bytes (4 digits) being the score, which is based missed data bits, incorrectly read data bits, and properly read data bits. It was really very simple. My source code is available at and I think also in the Stella archives..


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