[stella] [Stella] How weird is pha?

Subject: [stella] [Stella] How weird is pha?
From: Rodrigo Silva <stella@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 24 Sep 2003 04:03:48 -0300
Hi there!

While using CLEAR_START macro, I find the following in Z26 trace log:

( 0 30 9 -41) ( 3 3 1 131 101) nvbdIzc 00 2a 00 2a f008: 48 pha <-- weird (12)

What is this "<-- weird (12)" comment added by Z26? It only happend twice in the whole CLEAR_START execution, both in pha instructions (but not in every, since the macro runs pha about 255 times, and only 2 of them get this weird comment).


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