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"Thanks for all the help on this setup. Your response time is unbelievable.

We will be recommending your service to any list owners we know."

Joseph Ferraro,
Auction Tecs

Use BIGLIST to Make the Most of Your Website

You are spending valuable time and money to put up and maintain a website. Why?
You are likely trying to connect . . .
  • You're a store selling products on-line, and you want to connect with potential buyers.
  • You're a professional organization, and you're trying to connect with your members.
  • You're a candidate running for office, and you're trying to connect with voters.
. . . and you understand the enormous scope of the Internet.
Your website allows you to make connections anywhere, at any time, worldwide. People can visit your site quickly and conveniently, at any time of the day or night, from work or from home, whether they are in Omaha, Nebraska or Sidney, Australia.

Use BIGLIST to Maximize Your Presence On The Internet
  • Strengthen the connections you make through the Internet's broad network.
    If your visitors are willing to give you their e-mail address, they probably have some knowledge, resources, or needs that are valuable to you. They could be potential customers, members, sponsors/donors, or people with friends or colleagues having valuable knowledge, resources, or needs. Don't let them disappear after they leave your site.
Give your visitors a reason to return.
  • Send announcements about new projects or events.
  • Send out your on-line newsletter or excerpts or teasers therefrom.
Give your visitors a chance to get involved.
  • Send information about projects that a donor may wish to sponsor. Then send a newsletter, describing your donors' involvement and thanking them for their generosity.
  • Invite your visitors to join a BigList discussion list so they can exchange information with your other subscribers. Attract new members with this service.

Increase Sales | Cut Costs | Create Community | Marketing Tool
Outsource | Replace Message Boards | Add Value
Use BIGLIST without a website

  BIGLIST Inc. · 212-686-2140
  1640 Maple Ave #801
  Evanston, IL 60201

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