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Our Guarantee
"Thanks for all the help on this setup. Your response time is unbelievable.

We will be recommending your service to any list owners we know."

Joseph Ferraro,
Auction Tecs

Cut Costs

Save money and resources by replacing your paper mailings with BigList e-mails. Do you already have a distribution list or a list of people to whom you periodically send information through the mail? For example, are you a business or organization that regularly sends any of the following:
  • promotional/sales material to potential customers
  • event schedules to members
  • newsletter to constituents/members/interested parties
  • queries/questionnaires to targeted parties
With a BigList, you no longer have to pay for paper, envelopes, and postage, and you don't need a crew to stuff envelopes. As you can see by the simple example below, our service can easily pay for itself with the money you save.

Cost-saving Case Study:
Before switching to our service, one of our clients conducted a cost analysis and was amazed at the amount of money it could save by converting their mailing list to a BigList.
This client is one of the 15 largest law firms in the U.S., and this firm needed to send out a newsletter about twice a month to approximately 15,000 people. By replacing paper mailings with a BigList, they saw the dramatic cost-savings below:

Monthly Cost of Sending A Newsletter to 5,000 People Twice A Month

Paper Newsletter |

BIGLIST Newsletter |

Monthly Savings


$ 10,000



$ 2,500


Mailing Equipment Leases

$ 4,200



10 people

1 person

BIGLIST Services


$ 225


$ 16,700

$ 225

$ 16,475

With savings like this, this firm's BigList easily pays for itself. See our price list.
Additional Savings With BIGLIST
Save on Labor: With BigList, you don't need a large staff to assemble your mailings. Once your message has been composed, all you need is a single contact person (the "listowner") to hit the send key.
Save on Time: This client required a three to four day lead time from final edit to production. With BigList, there are no production or printing deadlines, so you can edit and tweak your message up until the moment you e-mail it to our system. We take care of the rest.
Increase Sales | Cut Costs | Create Community | Marketing Tool
Outsource | Replace Message Boards | Add Value
Use BIGLIST without a website

  BIGLIST Inc. · 212-686-2140
  1640 Maple Ave #801
  Evanston, IL 60201

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