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"Thanks for all the help on this setup. Your response time is unbelievable.

We will be recommending your service to any list owners we know."

Joseph Ferraro,
Auction Tecs

Increase Sales

You probably invest considerable resources in running and promoting your website. With BigList, you can make your site work for you by actively reaching out to your visitors and making sales even after visitors have left your site.
How it works
  • GRAB CUSTOMERS from your website visitors. Start with an existing database of subscribers, or build from scratch. Have subscribers sign up for your BigList directly on your site with a simple form. These will be your likely customers.
  • REACH YOUR SUBSCRIBERS by sending them periodic messages through the BigList system. Your messages can include anything from special promotions to testimonials and can also include attractive graphics.
  • CONVERT your subscribers TO PAYING CUSTOMERS. Receive responses from subscribers and close the deal. Remember, web customers usually don't buy on the first visit.

Advantages of a BigList
  • RETAIN YOUR WEBSITE VISITORS: A BigList will keep you in touch with your website visitors long after they have left your site. Then, when your visitor needs your product, he will remember you. Otherwise, after leaving your site, he'll be gone for good.
  • INCREASE BRAND AWARENESS: A BigList spreads your name over the Internet, increasing awareness of your business and your products and services.
  • CAPITALIZE ON YOUR WORLDWIDE INTERNET AUDIENCE: You may find a customer in places where you didn't even think to advertise or where you've decided it wasn't worth pursuing another, more expensive advertising campaign.
Examples of a BigList in action
  1. DISCUSSION FORUM (for an Association): Provide a forum for your members to network, to make referrals, and to discuss questions or issues relevant to the industry. This valuable networking service will attract new members.
  2. SPECIALTY NEWSLETTER (for a Law Firm): Start a newsletter with "Legal News of the Week" or "Legal Tips". By getting your firm name out to interested readers, you establish your firm as the expert in your area, and clients will come to you for legal advice.
  3. PROMOTION NEWSLETTER (for a Gym): Start a newsletter with the "Fitness Tip of the Week". Exercise-conscious visitors to your site would likely be interested in receiving your fitness tips. Each fitness tip will then remind subscribers of your gym, and they'll be thinking of your gym when they're ready to join one. You can even include in your newsletter notice of upcoming events to generate interest and excitement about your gym.

Increase Sales | Cut Costs | Create Community | Marketing Tool
Outsource | Replace Message Boards | Add Value
Use BIGLIST without a website

  BIGLIST Inc. · 212-686-2140
  1640 Maple Ave #801
  Evanston, IL 60201

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