Re: [xsl] Where is 'intersect' Operator Defined in XPath 3?

Subject: Re: [xsl] Where is 'intersect' Operator Defined in XPath 3?
From: "Christian Grün christian.gruen@xxxxxxxxx" <xsl-list-service@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 9 Aug 2022 23:56:59 -0000
> If there is a single person that has read all 1100 pages of the XSLT 3.0
> Spec, please, do let us know. If this number is more than 5 - 6, then that
> would be really amazing.

I definitely haven't; but I haven't read other comprehensive specs either
(such as the one from Java), and that still didn't stop me using the
implemented results. A spec can be helpful to answer specific questions if
no higher-level documentation is available b and it's a pity that such
specs are often not publicly available. If it doesnbt serve as primary
source (and if I don't need to implement itb&), it shouldn't matter that
much if it appears to be bulky.

I'm not sure, though, Dimitre, what youbd like to achieve. I assume that no
one will rewrite the existing stack of documents to make them more compact.
Would you rather wish that a more concise wording/writing will be used for
future enhancements?

My personal impression is that the more recent X specs are verbose indeed,
but as a result they are more complete and concise than most other specs
Ibve been able to read. And Ibm regularly surprised of all the edge and
special cases that had been considered years before any user had a chance
to stumble upon them in practice.

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